Pest of indoor plants and fighting them

Pest of indoor plants and fighting them 15967_1
Pests of indoor plants and the fight against them Domadeal Today we will talk on a not very pleasant topic for each flower, namely, indentors of indoor plants.

This is a sick line of flower. Our green friends need help, and we, flower, should be prepared for everything. Not in vain they say: warned - it means armed!

Independently cope with pests homemade plant is unable, so in this article there is a light on this question.

Causes of pests on plants:
  • Errors in caring for flower (dry or overvoltage of the soil, etc.);
  • Often pests appear when buying a new infected plant;
  • Fresh not a disinfected soil of poor quality;
  • Pests can settle on the plant in case it was on an outdoor balcony or penetrate through the window.

When working with insecticides (this is also poison!) Wear gloves and a respirator mask!

Next, consider the most common pests of indoor plants.

Indoor midge

Perhaps the most "harmless" pests for indoor plants. Midges in colors are not applied significantly damage to the plant, more discomfort midges bring to man, flying throughout the apartment. The reason for the appearance of the midges around the plant is the increased humidity in the ground. To get rid of the midges in indoor plants, it is necessary to dry the ground in the pot. If necessary, it is worth useing insecticides, good, the choice of which in flower stores is very large!

The most popular people's way to get rid of the midges: stick matches, head down. I do not believe it. At one time, the pills were helped to be buried in the ground.


Penicles are the most imperceptible pests. The reason for their occurrence is also regular overflowing room plants. At first glance, the views will not notice, they "float to the surface" when watering plants in the form of tiny white dots. Often, the pens accompany the drasens. To get rid of these insects in the ground will help the preparations of a wide range of action (type of actar, chiellik, actorlik, confident, intavir, phytodeterm) and complete drying of the soil in the pot. Watering interval with insecticide2-3 times every 7-10 days. In particularly difficult cases, the complete replacement of the soil is required.

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Pests of indoor plants and the fight against them Domadeal
Pest of indoor plants and fighting them 15967_3
Pests of indoor plants and the fight against them Domadeal

Shield - one of the most survivable insects on indoor plants. The shield usually dwells on the back of the sheet and quickly capture the surrounding plants. You can get rid of the shield as follows:

1. Solve the same insecticides 2-3 times every 7-10 days.

2. Second and mandatory effect: mechanical. In a small container, a strong solution of green soap or a household soap and gloves, wetting the tissue in the solution, remove all parasites from the plant. For a better action, some flower products put on a plant on a plant and leave for several hours. Subsequently, 1 time a few days will have to spray or wipe the leaves with economic soap or green soap.


Bellenka - flying pest. He loves Gerani, Fuchsia, hibiscus, in general, is an omnivorous insect. To get rid of this pest, the plant requires a warm shower and spraying from a sprayer with the same insecticides. The ground in the pot is sprinkled with crowded coal either ash and shed a weak solution of actara.

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Pests of indoor plants and the fight against them Domadeal

Bellenka on hibiscose

Cobed tick

The web tick is often found on indoor roses and not only. Most often, this pest dwells on the back of the sheet. The name of the pest itself speaks for himself: on the room the plant tick is weaving a web, like a spider.

To get rid of the spider tick, you will have to buy a plant under the warm shower, so part of insects will wash. Then to treat the land insecticide (ACTARLALLEL or BITICSIBACILLIN), spray the ground part with economic soap or actar, put on the package and leave for several hours.

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Pests of indoor plants and the fight against them Domadeal
Pest of indoor plants and fighting them 15967_6
Pests of indoor plants and the fight against them Domadeal

Putting Tick on Ficus

TLL on indoor plants

TLL - one of the most nasty insects! It is necessary to destroy the TRU at once, otherwise it will quickly go to all indoor plants. During the life activity for produces the so-called honey dew. The plant with a tool gently bathe under the shower, then the ground part is sprayed with soap solution, and the soil is shedd by confident or something else (the larvae of the Tly live in the ground). The plant goes to the insulator. With a strong defeat of the twill the crown of the plant cut it, thereby removing the affected parts, and the soil is replaced with a new one.

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Pests of indoor plants and the fight against them Domadeal
Pest of indoor plants and fighting them 15967_8
Pests of indoor plants and the fight against them Domadeal

Whew on Gipestrame and Gerana

I wish your indoor health plants!

Photographic materials are taken from open sources

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