How to configure Autoware Posts in conventional Telegram chats


Despite the fact that Telegram and WhatsApp belong to the same category of applications, their functional device varies quite significantly. Moreover, each side believes that it is its product that is worthy to be called truly thoughtful and, which is important, a protected messenger. Personally, the Telegram approach is closer, but this does not mean that he is arranged perfectly and devoid of flaws. By no means. Just the wards Pavel Durov more loyally belong to the requirements of users and develop the service with regard to their needs. For example, as in the case of autoventing messages.

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Automatic removal of messages in Telegram is now available in conventional chats

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With the release of the latest update Telegram, in which the support of the widgets and a number of new chips appeared, the messenger acquired the function of automatic removal of messages. In fact, such a chip existed before, but was only available in secret chats protected by end-to-end encryption.

How to enable auto reading messages in telegrams

Users themselves could customize the removal period, which was very convenient if it was necessary to hide the fact of some conversation. But now the mechanism of the automotive date is both in conventional chat rooms, which users asked Telegram developers, seems to be several years, wanting to be able to erase their posts postfactum.

Include Autoware Messages in Telegram in the following way:

  • Go to the chat for which you want to configure the retirement;
  • Hold your finger on the message, and then click "Select";
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Autoware in conventional chats available only after 1 day and after 1 week
  • In the upper left corner, click "Delete Chat" - "Configure Autowance";
  • Configure the message of the message and click Finish.

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It is important to understand that the automatic removal of messages applies to all messages in the selected chat sent there after the inclusion of this mechanism. That is, all old messages, regardless of who sent them, which were there earlier, will remain, and all the new ones will be forced to ease after the specified time.

The countdown of time before the mechanism is triggered, starts from the moment of sending, and not from the moment reading. True, it is not possible to choose a secondary, comer or hourly timing. The developers have provided only three temporary gradations, of which only two can be considered real: Never, 1 day or 1 week.

How to create a secret chat in telegrams

Why developers decided not to make a more frequent operation of the mechanism of the automotive date, it is not clear. Apparently, the calculation was that the usual chats are not the same as the secret, and the need to delete messages that users are sent there, with the exact intervals simply not. I can not explain this otherwise. Therefore, if you need messages to be removed earlier than after 1 day or week, use secret chats.

Start the secret chat in Telegram is very simple:

  • Go to the chat with the interlocutor you need;
  • Click on the icon of its profile at the top;
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In secret chats, auto adaptation can be configured up to a second.
  • Click on the "More" button - "Start Secret Chat";
  • In the message dialing line, select the message deletion time.

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As you can see, there are much more than more temporary gradations than in conventional chats. But this is understandable. Secret chats are usually used for conversations that need maximum protection. Messages in such chats are protected by end-to-end encryption, and a removal is also used as an additional security level. However, remember that nothing prevents your interlocutor at that end or stick up, or just rewrite the contents of your messages.

To resort to such a method of communication under normal conditions there is no point, because it is too uncomfortable. However, if you think that someone can have a reson to spy at you and try to intercept your usual correspondence, you can try protected chats. There is even a screenshot detector, which is noticing your interlocutor about creating a screenshot. True, why it was impossible to prohibit their creation in such chats in principle, it is not clear. Especially since on Android, it is a restriction for a long time.

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