Magic Elixir: What is good tea of ​​the match and how to cook it


In the world of beckons, the match of the match made a real extension, they were replaced not only coffee, but also tea!

We disassemble what it is so good and how to make it properly.

What is the composition of the match of the match? Match (Matte) is a high-quality leaf green tea, rooted into powder.

That is, the match is made from ordinary green tea, but there are two features, because of which the taste and use of the drink becomes unique.

  1. Two weeks before harvest, tea bushes are closed from direct sunlight. At the same time, tea leaves begin to actively accumulate useful trace elements.
  2. The crop is collected only manually. The leaves are dried and listed to the powder state.

It is believed that the real tea of ​​the match is grown only in Japan, it is here that two important requirements are converging: climate and ancient production technology.

Experts of this drink unanimously believe that other producers do similar tea, but still not like that.

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Useful properties and contraindications of the tea match

More recently, the match of the match was drank only in Japan and about this healing drink knew quite a few, only real connoisseurs of tea.

How did he gain popularity? This contributed to the star fan of Gwyneth Paltrow. She, in one of the interview, said he wants to give up the morning coffee and start drinking the tea match.

What did he attract it so?

  1. This tea is very often used in thinkers for weight loss, as it is very effectively burning excess fat, helping to make the stomach flat, and the waist is thin.
  2. Huge amount of antioxidants!

At the University of Colorado, a study was conducted, which established that in this beverage three times the antioxidant of epigallocatechin gallery (EGCG) than in the usual green tea.

They say the reason for this lies in the method of consuming the match, because it is used together with the chopped powder, so the useful substances fall into the body in full.

This antioxidant strengthens the bone, improves all brain functions, reduces blood pressure and regulates the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Antioxidants are useful at any age, but the age of the skin needs to be especially in any type of aging!

  1. The match of the match suppresses appetite, which contributes to a large content of plant fibers.

Therefore, it is very useful to include in the diet of the unloading day.

  1. Many are used to drinking coffee in the mornings, as an invigorating drink. But recently, some begin to abandon coffee because of his harmful effects (although it is not!). We have extracted popular myths about coffee.

But, if you want to try something new, you should be aware that not only coffee can give cheerfulness for the whole day, the match of the match will not be worse due to the high level of caffeine.

  1. As part of the match a large number of chlorophyll, which is capable of carrying out heavy metals and carcinogens from the body.

As for the contraindications, they are not much at all, or rather only two:

  1. It is necessary to drink it in moderate quantities;
  2. Do not eat 4-6 hours before sleep because of caffeine.

How to cook tea

You need to take a ceramic or porcelain cup, warm it and wipe it dry. This technique will increase the fragrance of tea.

Drink Fortress can be adjusted: If you want a strong drink, take 4 g of the match powder, if the average is 2 g (½ teaspoon).

Heat milk or water up to 80 degrees (not hot, otherwise the drink will become bitter) and pour them powder. Start intensely beat a bamboo whisk to a homogeneous foam.

It turns out very tasty if you use coconut or almond milk.

Add sugar to taste. Drink together with the sediment, there are also many useful substances in it.

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Blue tea match

Blue tea match has nothing to do with the traditional green! This is a completely different plant that grows in Thailand - the clientia is three, this drink is called Ancane.

It is also very useful, we wrote about him in more detail.

Blue match is another way to eat this drink, the preparation of which is very similar to the classic match.

Go to the source site.

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