The court in Novosibirsk recognized the legitimate refusal to initiate a case on the poisoning of Navalny

The court in Novosibirsk recognized the legitimate refusal to initiate a case on the poisoning of Navalny 15918_1

The opposition lawyer intends to appeal this decision.

Leninsky District Court of Novosibirsk rejected the appeal statement of the attorney of the oppositionist Alexei Navalny Vyacheslav Gimadi, who complained about the investigators who refused to initiate the case of an attempted murder.

"Resolution of the Leninsky District Court of Novosibirsk, a complaint of Gimadi Vyacheslav Ilyich, acting in the interests of Navalny Alexei Anatolyevich, about recognizing illegal inaction of the officials of the West Siberian Investigation Department on the transport of the investigative committee of the Russian Federation was left without satisfaction. The decision to legal force did not join, "the vessel says.

The case of a sharp deterioration in the well-being of Navalny is investigating the police transport management. The fight against corruption (FBK is included in the list of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as an organization working as a foreign agent) did not agree with that and through the court tried to achieve the transfer of the case in the SC, since in the case of Navalny saw signs of assassination attempts.

The Leninsky District Court of Novosibirsk did not see violations in this, but the appellate instance fell on the side of the FBK. However, the case returned to the Leninsky court. The meeting was held on Saturday, February 20.

Gimadi is going to appeal this decision, he said in an interview with Interfax.

Navalny became ill aboard the aircraft, which followed from Tomsk to Moscow on August 20. After the politician has lost consciousness, the aircraft crew made a decision on an emergency landing in Omsk, where the victims met doctors. In the Omsk Hospital, Navalny spent three days, after in a state of artificial coma was hospitalized in Germany.

Western experts and the opposition itself suggest that poisoning is caused by a combat poison called "Novice". In January 2021, politician returned to Russia, where he was detained and sentenced to two and a half years in a colony for violation of the conditions of the test period in the case of "Yves Rocher". And on the eve of the next court sentenced Navalny to a major fine for insulting veteran.

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