Circus, Zoo, Dolphinarium: where you do not need to behave


The circus

More and more countries of the world are legally forbidden circus with animals. Unfortunately, Russia is not yet among them, and we still can be seen in the arena of bears on bicycles and tigers jumping through the ring. Of course, it is spectacular and leads children delight, so parents will readily ruin on tickets.

But for such tricks there is always hard handling of animals. There is no training without violence, just somewhere it is slightly smaller, and somewhere a lot. And coming to the circus, we support it in the most directly.

In addition, the circus visit may be unsafe. There are cases when animals exhausted in this way of life suddenly attacked artists and viewers right during the presentation.

What an alternative?

Fortunately, the circus is not only animals. These are still magicians, acrobats, clowns ... If animals presentations never have any artistic value, then acts of acrobats can be real art.

Circus collectives without animals appear more and more. If you want to look at the beautiful acrobatic numbers, woven into unusual plots, we advise you to pay attention to the "antique circus" and the world-famous "Circus du Soleil". And for the incredible, touching the heart clown come to the show of the Glory of the midnight.

Circus, Zoo, Dolphinarium: where you do not need to behave 15908_1
"Antique Circus", photos from Dolphinarium

The story is the same as with the circus. While other countries closed the dolphinariums, our industry is flourishing. Moreover, Russia is one of the three countries of the world (more than Japan and Cuba), where dolphins are caught specifically to entertain the public. Dolphins juggle, show focuses, jump through rings and even ride those who want on the back.

Whales and dolphins are one of the smartest animals in the world, so life in captivity and constant training give them huge suffering.

In addition, the legislation for catching, the content and transportation of animals is written so bad that it is constantly violated, as a result of which the dolphins are contained in terrible conditions.

We will not scare you and tell about all the horrors of Dolphinariev, if you wish, all this is easy to find on the Internet. But if you want to grow a conscious, empathic, modern child, it is better not to drive it on entertainment, which are completely built on someone else's pain.

What an alternative?

Of course, animals in general and dolphins are particularly best looking in wildlife. Dolphins are not so rare animals, such as whales. To see them, you do not need to go very far away, it is found even in the Black Sea. In a big city, it is much more difficult to ecoly familiar with the marine inhabitants. Huge city aquariums with glass walls and ceilings are not many, but still better dolphinariums. In any case, they have at least some standards of content and verification. Well, animals are not trained in them.

Wolfgang Zimmel / Pixabay
Wolfgang Zimmel / Pixabay Zoo

With zoos, everything is not so unambiguous. Often zoos do not just show animals, they care about them, save and treat. In large European and Asian cities you can find zoos, more similar to national parks, where animals do not live in cells, but in vivo. The best zoos of the world includes Singapore, Berlin, London, Prague Zoo.

And quite another thing - zoos in small cities, built only in order to make money. Animals in them are sick and tired, cells are cramped and dirty. Most likely, no pleasure from visiting such a zoo, which is more like a prison for animals, neither you nor the child will receive.

So before visiting, carefully studied the zoo - see photos on the Internet, find out how animals are contained and how they get there.

Unambiguous evil is contact zoos. Despite the fact that in Russia they are officially prohibited, they can often be found in shopping centers, cafes and others that are absolutely not suitable for animal places.

The contact zoo usually leads a child to "communicate" with animals, learned to be affectionate and attentive. In fact, everything turns out quite the opposite. Animals in the contact zoos constantly touch and smooth contrary to their desire, they will be when they sleep and try to force there when they are not hungry. The child does not study gentle handling, it uses an animal for his own pleasure.

In contact zoos, animals live very long. Often they do not get the necessary medical care, so they may have diseases dangerous for people.

What an alternative?

Instead of a contact zoo, it is better to go to the farm. Very often farmers for a small fee are ready to show their animals and tell about them. For a child, it will be much more useful, as it will see that the content of animals is a lot of work that animals exist not for entertainment that they have their own duties in the farm, and communication will succeed, maybe not such a simple, as in the zoo But much better.

Pezibear / Pixabay.
Pezibear / Pixabay.

Image of Foundry Co from Pixabay

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