Ex-Ryzhanka: Italians just like, immediately fall into panic, so sometimes I teach my husband to our pofigism

Ex-Ryzhanka: Italians just like, immediately fall into panic, so sometimes I teach my husband to our pofigism 15898_1

"I had to start everything from scratch!" - says Catherine newly-clothes, which left his native Riga from his beloved foreign man 5 years ago.

Although at that time the graduate of the famous Dance Theater Alla Duhovova "Todes" had its own Dance School of Leona, in which 200 people were engaged. Many probably remember concerts in the House of Moscow, which collected the full halls. After a couple of years, the school was supposed to celebrate his ten-year anniversary.

However, after the decision about the departure, Catherine closed it to "step into a new future with closed eyes," as it expressed. Of course, it is not easy to start in a completely someone else's country. Especially if many know you in our hometown, in which you feel comfortable, because under the sun won a quite worthy place. It would seem, it remains only to calmly reap the fruits of your success. But what you can not do for love!

Trailer with Riga Things

- I still remember that day when I moved. The huge trailer twisted in Vares to the house, in which all my Riga things fit. When I disassembled, before my thirty-year-old life was rushed before my year. I remembered my relatives and friends, friends and acquaintances, colleagues and students. I remembered the first steps in dance, trips, as well as the own brainchild of Leona. It was incredibly difficult morally and extremely sorely painful.

But I had two ways: either stay out on an empty place, or move forward. I chose the second option. April 3 arrived, and already 5th rushed at the addresses with his CV translated into Italian. Every day he delivered him on dance studios. And on May 5, I began to teach at Dance Point - one of the schools in Vares. It was my first pedagogical victory. Then she went to various artistic castings. In one big dance school they took advocate in a major project. My happiness was not limit!

- How many people participated in the casting?

- Two hundred! I myself was stupid. But I decided not to retreat. I saw only a long jury table and evaluating the views of the judges. And I was just myself. In addition, he knew that nothing had nothing to lose. Anyway, no one knows who I am. So began my "Italian adventures." I even worked on television with the famous actress Julian Moroir. Then I was invited to teach to the Academy of Dance in Milan. This is the highest school of dancing. There were quite a few interesting "adventures." Total will not retell. But everything comes down to the fact that I really love life, like everything she gives!

Called with me

- Why exactly the city of Veresa?

- I was in Italy by chance and completely unexpected for myself. Before that I did not want to leave Riga. Although I love the warm climate: before, every summer went to hot Spain, which I just adore. But here in Riga appeared an excellent Italian, an engineer by profession Alessandro, who turned his whole life from his legs. We have been together for 10 years. We have a beautiful son Richard. For five years, Alessandro lived in Latvia, and then still could not stand it. He stated: "I can no longer!" Like, cold, gray. He wanted to the sun, the mountains.

Now we live in a stunningly beautiful city. Veres is an administrative center of Lombardy. Around six large lakes. Favorite - Lago Maggiore. Nearby Alps. I teach at the Academy of Dance in Milan, and also lead a jazz direction to Lugano. This is already in Switzerland, because it is next.

"I can't help but ask how you met with Alessandro in Riga?"

- I got acquainted on the disco. We talked to six in the morning. Since then, no longer part ...

- What surprised you in Italy first?

- Clear schedule of life. People do everything there strictly by the hour: eat, drink, well, and so on ... Let's say, lunch from 12.30 to 14.30. If I did not have time, you can only find a piece of pizza or some sandwich. At first it was wildly annoyed. After all, during lunch to the bank or in the office does not get. Could not understand: how is it? But now I am already accustomed to and now I think that it is better to really plan to clearly. Otherwise, there will never be time not to rest or on the family.

By the way, in Latvia many complain that there is no time to breathe. Because just too fuss. And in Italy I learned to rest truly. Although it sometimes sometimes just stop and look back. Let's say to admire the mountains. By the way, today I am infinitely in love with them. It can be said, has become a real fan of the mountains. Especially they are beautiful in conjunction with lakes. This is something! Well, the kitchen Italian, of course, just incredible ...

Italian myths

- What do you eat? Probably traditional for Italians pizza and paste?

- Well, you. For my profession, this is all "unreal" food. I have very correct and healthy nutrition. Pasta and pizza practically do not eat. Maximum - once a week. On the other hand, I don't even really want, because in Italy there are a lot of other delicious dishes. And in general, I think it is myth that all Italians constantly eat pizza and pasta. For example, they adore all sorts of risotto, with rice and vegetables, and more seafood. No wonder around - solid seas.

- It is also assumed that the Italians are incredibly open people. They constantly communicate, often get friends with whom they met literally on the street. Probably, you have already a lot of new acquaintances?

- Yes, it appeared. But far from fast. I immediately realized that in Italy, it was not so easy to meet someone, not to mention to make friends. So I have to dispel the next myth. Italians are not open at all. Well, except on the street. And then to yourself, for the threshold, they are not allowed. Only gradually recognizing the person can open before him. The main thing is to be sincere and kind. I am generally confident that love opens any heart. And not only the Italian. I sincerely believe that love will save the world!

Italy also gave me the concept of familyhood. Today I am a happy wife and happy mom. I was very lucky with my husband. I love our overall family meetings. Every Sunday we are going together at dinner. Baby play, adults chat. We eat delicious dishes, just enjoying a general pastime. And without any rush and the bustle, which I have already spoke about. I sincerely sorry that there are no such family gatherings in Latvia. I think this is an excellent tradition.

And I will note the Italian grandmothers. These are just flowers, roses that fragrant. Sit on cafes, communicate. Moreover, each must accurate hairstyle. Because everyone will certainly attend beauty salons. They have such grandmothers, probably the percent of eighty.

- Probably can afford ...

- Of course, the fact that in Italy is very good pensions. Therefore, old women and old people just enjoy life. And it is obvious that they do it with great pleasure. I confess, it is very interesting for them to observe.

Teaches a husband to live without panic

- Are there any defects from the Italians?

- As I said, they are very careful and closed, live according to their strict rules. In general, step to the right, step left - shooting in place. For me it is really strange. We are more free. It is no secret that we often hope for perhaps. On the other hand, we can really get out of any situation. And the Italians often all either black or white. Slightly, immediately fall into panic. So sometimes I teach my husband to our calm and to some extent pofigism. (Laughs.)

- Italy one of the first suffered from a global pandemic. And very much. They wrote even about the real Italian catastrophe.

- Yes, all this is terrible! Although for me a pandemic has become a real start. In this sense, I am even grateful to her. I had a reassessment of values. I realized that I needed in life. Began new projects that would never have implemented if not quarantine. After all, on the one hand, we were terribly limited, and on the other hand, an incredible opportunity appeared on the Internet, which opened such expanses.

In Riga, I had 8 years old my dance school. Having left, everything closed, and now Leona is three times a cheer! - again came to life, but already in the online version. People are written to me from all over the world. It turns out that, opening a computer, I again find yourself in my favorite world.

- But can you dance in online mode?

- Why not? This is another myth. Today, no one bothers to communicate with his favorite dance teacher, and also to show him what you have learned, behind the screen of your computer. There would be only a desire. It is most important!

Put dancing already in 5 years

- And how did you personally come to the dance? Maybe parents spent somewhere?

- No, they have jewelers. Just gave me the love of everything beautiful. Of course, they dreamed to continue their business. But I began to create beauty through the dance. Another 5 years old, "put the numbers" in the yard for his girlfriends. It was still amateur choreography, but on the whole soul. And in the evenings we gave concerts for adults. My brother Denis, hiding behind the fence, laughed at me: they say that you, sister, do.

I never dreamed of being either a singer nor a model or anyone else. Always wanted only to dance. In these moments, I fly to another world, so beautiful, beautiful. And most importantly, he is really different. Another when he studied in the Riga Lomonosov gymnasium, the parents began to give me to various dance circles. And then in my life, the theater of the dance of Alla Glasses "Todes" came. It was already, of course, the highest class.

We remember bright trips to different countries. Although Papa, Gennady Borisovich Novokreshcheni, did not want to believe that the dance became my profession. He believed that it was all frivolous. Finally accepted my choice when I saw my daughter on TV. And today, when I dance, always looks at me with admiration and love. And Mommy, Svetlana Stepanovna, since childhood supported me in all endeavors.

- Watch out for events in Latvia?

- Sure. I have parents there, friends. I know what's going on in Latvia. Although your own plans for the future I already associate with Italy. I dream to create your big developing center. So that people rested in it and soul, and the body, but at the same time they developed comprehensively. I mean dance therapy, yoga, different breathing practices, natural support and much more.

All the diverse techniques will be aimed at making a person's life better and happier. I will note that I still really like to draw. This is my favorite hobby. Also, I adore walks. In this case, studying the plants. I even went to study at Naturopath. Well, after the end of the pandemic, I will certainly go with master classes by country and continents. Thus, I will note the end of global isolation!

All photos from the personal album Catherine Newered.

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