VTB launched the issuance of digital tax guarantees

VTB launched the issuance of digital tax guarantees 1588_1

VTB began issuing electronic bank guarantees to customers of secondary and small businesses in favor of tax authorities. The warranty can be issued in just a few hours and does not require a visit to the Bank and FNS branch. The first digital warranty for the compensation of VAT Bank provided for 18 million rubles on behalf of the company "DKS", which leads the construction of a production and warehouse complex in the Nadezhdinskaya in the Primorsky Krai.

The electronic tax guarantee corresponds to the format of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and is signed by a strengthened qualified electronic signature. The deadline for its extradition can be only a few hours, while the standard paper form warranty is issued within a few days. The bank remotely transfers the Warranty to the Client, which sends it to the tax authority through the personal account of the taxpayer or the electronic document management operator. Thus, the filing of a set of documents for VAT refunds in a declarative manner occurs without a client's visit to the tax inspectorate.

"In the framework of the Bank's strategy for digital transformation, we work on the introduction of decisions that improve the convenience of our services, save customer time and help optimize business processes. Tax legislation standards do not limit the taxpayer in choosing a form of a bank guarantee. The electronic format makes it possible to significantly speed up the process of transferring a guarantee into a tax authority, without requiring a visit to the Bank's office and the inspection of the Federal Tax Service. Tax guarantees are a popular product, occupying about 10% of the portfolio of the Middle and Small Business VTB. We are confident that with the transition to digital form, demand will grow, "said the head of the Department of Regional Corporate Business - Senior Vice-President VTB Ruslan Eremenko.

Tax guarantees in electronic form may be provided for the purposes of VAT and excise tax purposes, as well as for exemption from the payment of excise in the export of excisable products.

The VTB documentary portfolio in the middle and small business segment at the end of 2020 grew by 5% and amounted to 315 billion rubles.


"The DKS Group of Companies is the largest Russian manufacturer of electrical equipment in Russia and Europe. Releases products for organizing power supply systems, automation and energy distribution at any destination. A group of companies participates in innovative programs and has a wide range of own patents, and its products are used in the energy, fuel, chemical, food, construction industries.

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