How to store medicines at home: specialist advice

How to store medicines at home: specialist advice 15877_1

Here's how you keep the medicine at home? It is possible, like most of us - a mixture of tablets and bubbles in one large box or in a cabinet box. Procurement of drugs in the future and waiting. How a head or belly will get - look in a pile, we will find what you need, and then throw back. However, this approach may (God forbid, of course) lead to negative consequences.

In fact, there are simple, but important rules, the observance of which will ensure the safety of drugs and the maximum benefit from the contents of the home aid kit. We were told about this by the head of the branch "Pharmacy No. 2 of the municipal enterprise" Novosibirsk pharmacy network "Tatyana Nikolaevna Nesterova.

How to store medicines at home: specialist advice 15877_2

"Pharmacy №2" (Red Avenue, 15/1)

- Tatyana Nikolaevna, explain the main principles of storage of medicines?

- We all know that medicines are a mixture of substances that are manufactured in sterile conditions with strict rules of production. And it is necessary to treat medicines seriously as in terms of their application and in terms of storage. It must be remembered, for example, that many of them are spoiled when exposed to high temperatures or under the action of direct sunlight.

The right storage conditions must be respected during the entire shelf life of the drug. Remember that it is impossible to store and even more so use medicines with an expired expiration date. It is necessary to take on a rule to periodically review your home first-first aid kit for the state of the drug and its shelf life. Do not store medications with impaired or damaged primary packaging. It happens that people leave "for later" half a tablet, half of the suppository, candles or ampoules. Such drugs should not be stored and better not to use.

I want to recall that children and animals should not have access to medicines. Therefore, the storage location must be chosen somewhere away, higher, not in sight of everyone.

- What is the best way to store drugs?

- It is possible to store medications in a metal or plastic container. Either today specially sell cases for domestic first-aid kits. They resemble bags or cases. Keep all medicines in factory packaging along with instructions for medical use. Because there are detailed all the rules for taking the drug, as well as storage conditions, it is very important.

- Does the temperature of the temperature regime?

- Certainly. To ensure the quality, safety and efficacy of drugs, it is necessary to maintain their source properties. To do this, it is important to clearly observe the temperature storage mode. And certainly not to store on the refrigerator or near the heating devices, heating batteries, microwave.

As a rule, the instruction in medical use is indicated by the temperature interval, within which the drug is possible. Cold place - from +2 to +8, cool place - from +8 to +15. In the event that there is no recommendation for storage on the packaging or in the instructions for medical use, the drug should be stored at a temperature of +15 to +25 degrees.

- Is it possible to store different drugs together or need to somehow separate them?

- Try to store separately medicines for outdoor and internal use. For example, you can pack them in different packages. If this is a bag - in different departments. Liquid forms related to odorless and coloring agents, such as iodine, green, hydrogen peroxide, also should be stored separately, preferably in hermetic capacity. Medicines in bottles must be tightly closed. Herbs store in paper boxes or packages, but not in polyethylene.

- If the color and smell of the drug changed, does it mean that he spoiled and hurts health?

- When the medicine changes the color, the smell, the solution is crushed, the precipitate appears, or any other external characteristics will differ from the description in the instructions for use, this means that such drugs are tested for human health and it is impossible to apply them.

- Is it worth buying medicinal products?

- I would not advise this to do this. Because the storage of medicines should still be carried out in special conditions. Houses do not always have the required conditions, the desired temperature and humidity. It should also be remembered that drugs have a shelf life. And in certain groups, he is generally small.

We should not forget that time is coming, modern means, more comfortable, safe analogues appear. For example, the same solution of diamond green is now released in a convenient packaging in the form of a pencil. Therefore, I recommend buying in a home aid kit only ambulances. All others can be bought in a pharmacy as needed.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones, be healthy.

Reference service municipal pharmacy network

+7 (383) 230-18-18


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