Pierre Gasley with optimism waiting for the beginning of the season ...


Pierre Gasley with optimism waiting for the beginning of the season ... 15874_1

After very successful March tests, Pierre Gasley with optimism waiting for the beginning of the season ...

Pierre Gasley: "I look forward to departure on the track. For the first time we will start the season where the tests have just conducted - for us they have become something like additional Friday training, but as a result we have a great idea what you should achieve from the car.

The purpose of the tests is to understand the behavior of the car, in particular - new aerodynamics to achieve a maximum from her in the course of the season. I must say that these were the best preseason tests since I came to the team - we drove more circles than any other team, and spent them very productively.

On the other hand, if you compare the level of all commands, the performance and reliability achieved in Formula 1 compared with winter tests, which took place several years ago, then progress is obvious.

We had no technical, nor mechanical problems, which sets up optimism. Already the first circles allowed me to feel the car, and for the three days of positive sensations there were many. After that, the team was seriously preparing for the upcoming race, and I hope that in this weekend, these efforts will bring fruit.

Assessing the impact of the new regulations, I must say that the adhesion with asphalt has become less. There is almost no difference in the behavior of the machine and piloting, the balance is also similar, but the grip has become slightly lower, so the speed in the turns dropped slightly. But the difference is not so great.

When we first left boxes, the basic settings worked perfectly. Then we took up the detailed settings for some turns, and now the engineers working in the aerodynamic tube do everything to achieve an increase in the clamping force in the course of the season. But the basic level with which we start the season is already very good. The machine predictably responds to any changes to the settings, which adjusts to optimism.

On the tests, we did not attach in full force, so it is difficult to estimate the increase in power of the power plant, but I know what I have achieved in Honda, and the reliability does not cause doubts - for three days the tests did not arise, and the speed we will be able to evaluate the Gran When we attack.

For the team, it is important that both riders coped with the task. Yuki well worked on the tests, drove a lot of circles, did not allow mistakes and did everything that was required of him. We are both ready to fight. "

Source: Formula 1 on F1news.ru

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