How to love your appearance?

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How to love your appearance? Photo: Depositphotos.

In the twentieth century, the ideal of appearance is rigidly imposed by the so-called "beauty standards" and a kind of "duty to be beautiful" for every woman. This ideal of beauty ignores human biology: natural age, genetics and natural changes that occur in the process of life.

There was a popular misconception that it is possible to find a love for your body only thanks to its infinite improvements. But appearance, as a living reflection of reality, will never be characterized by stability, so it is better to replace the "mad chasts for the perfection" to align the attitude towards yourself.

The lifestyle that advertise us on television has very little common with what is considered attractive and happening in our space with you. By the way, it will not be superfluous to see the leading ... What are the ladies-leading (the word "ladies" does not fit against them!) On the main channels! Often this is caricature characters, brutal, grotesque, with unpleasant facial expressions and monstrous manners. It seems that they were invited to the TV from the discharge market. And these are they - live pointers of trendy style and the right manner?

People in photographs in Instagram manipulate us so that we try to become the same taped and young. But remember, if in real life you will meet a person for 50 without a single wrinkle with the absolute symmetry of the face, it will seem unnatural and even frightening (completely symmetrical face becomes in the first day after death).

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Written practices are very effective when you need to find a way to your photo: Depositphotos

Very often, exactly what we consider our shortcomings, others are perceived as originality, a unique combination of specific features of the human appearance. Remember the famous actors with non-standard features of the face - the whole world considers them beautiful. They were able to accept themselves and their body and learned how to competently beat their features.

Exercises for self-satisfaction:

1. To come to the mirror every morning and, looking into my eyes, say: "I love you. What are your expressive eyes, a gentle tumble (etc.)! " Stress out exactly what is really beautiful, noticeable what you like. Even if inside you will feel resistance, continue. You are not used to praise yourself, at first it is really hard.

2. Take compliments. For unsure people it is quite difficult. Especially when you praise what you consider your drawback. So I want to object to the tone of an offended child, or even escape from the gallant interlocutor. However, you need to learn to take compliments with gratitude. Make it consciously, just say with a smile: "Thank you!" And then they will be more and more, and gradually you yourself believe in them.

3. Start writing a diary. Written practices are very effective, especially when you need to find a way to yourself. Mark the changes associated with the adoption of themselves and the resistance at first.

4. Practice affirmations that need to be repeated several times, and it is best to record, saying out loud or to ourselves. You can start with the phrase: "I love and accept myself." On the day you can pronounce up to 12 different affirmations.

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Praise and indulge yourself: Depositphotos

5. Praise yourself for every tiny chamber on the way to taking yourself.

6. Write a list of your favorite activities - from elementary simple to difficult. Let yourself be done twice a week.

7. If there is a problem with weight or skin, contact a specialist, get recommendations and follow them joyfully. Make it for yourself - your health, internal well-being and increase female attractiveness.

8. As soon as the first positive changes appear, give yourself a photo session in some beautiful corner of nature, on the background of the city attractions, where your soul will be abolished and comfortable. Keep these photos and revise them, especially if you again want to return to the usual self-criticism.

9. Refuse a bad habit of comparing ourselves with strangers, colleagues or celebrities. It is harmful and meaningless, as each person and his way are unique, and such comparisons destroy individuality.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

10. Focus on your personality, analyze the opportunities that are available to you, but you have not benefited by anyone (for various reasons). Make a plan for the next five years.

Celebrate life! Rejoice and smile, be spontaneous and easy to lift! Travel, go to visit, demonstrating all your inner worldship, love for life, confidence in your charm.

Author - Oksana Arkadyevna Filatova

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