How to return the taste for life in society consumption: Tips of psychologists

How to return the taste for life in society consumption: Tips of psychologists 15852_1

The hedonistic adaptation is the loss of the ability to have pleasure from pleasant things that are already surrounded by a person ...

In recent years, the thoughts are increasingly sounding that life in the society of consumption makes our children unhappy. That they do not know how to receive pleasure, although they live in incomparably more comfort and well-being than the generation of their parents, not to mention grandparents. If it comes to gifts, the discussion often passes in the key "than to surprise the child who has everything." We think: do you need a child of 20 barbies and 30 cars? Are the tangerines and chocolate, if they appear on the table once a year? And what if abundance really kills pleasure from life? After all, it is impossible to artificially create conditions for the shortage of things and impressions of the child. Perhaps you can start with yourself. After all, hedonistic adaptation (loss of the ability to enjoy life) Adults are subject to no less than children. How to be and how to help yourself? This was written by Lilith Mazikina, the author of the project. Resource psychology. Psychological rehabilitation created by the psychotherapist Adrian Lito.

Psychologists Robert Smith from Ohio and Ed O'Brien from Chicago published a series of articles about their research on hedonistic adaptation. That phenomenon, because of which a person loses the taste of life in society.

To the words about the suggestion, which leads to the absence of pleasure from life, the inhabitants of the USSR and the former USSR traditionally treated the distrust, in their experience knowing that the pleasure of life spoils the unsettled life.

Nevertheless, such a phenomenon really exists and is already stepping in Russia. Hedonistic adaptation is the loss of the ability to have pleasure from pleasant things that are already surrounded by a person, and it can be observed at very different income levels. That is, it is not necessary to be a millionaire, so that the tasty food and the things we bought in anticipation of happiness do not raise.

Usually, different form of ascetic forms, such as interval fasting or refusal of new purchases, are recommended as a measure of countering the loss of pleasure at a certain period of time. Thank you are also popular: when a person thanks several times a day, thanks something from his life, which makes this life pleasant. Smith and O'Brien offer an alternative: non-traditional consumption, they believe, effectively to enjoy meals and from things around.

The idea of ​​unconventional consumption is that a person is experiencing a craving for a variety. Usually we realize it, replacing one thing that has already happened, the other, that is, by making new purchases. Psychologists offer to use the same things and the same meal, but somehow unusual.

In one of the experiments, they offered Popcorn to participants and asked for him slowly and consciously. According to popular theories, awareness itself and a slow pace of food must increase pleasure from her. Nevertheless, half of the participants also gave the instructions and chopsticks. Later, those of the participants who have eaten with chopsticks rated their pleasure from popcorn higher than those who ate just slowly.

In another experiment, with the participation of three hundred people, psychologists offered everyone to come up with several unusual ways to drink water. Some offered to lap as a cat, others thought about the dishes from which you can drink it. In any case, these people were then divided into three groups. Representatives of one just drank water from the glass. Representatives are different - any unconventional way invented by them, but only one. Representatives of the third were invited to do every sip in different ways.

Total participants had to make five sips of water, and then appreciate her taste. The most delicious water found those who all five sips made in different ways.

Perhaps scientists have found an explanation of the popularity of all these strange restaurants, where food is served on an iron or supposed to eat naked. There are people who want to regain the pleasure of the taste of food. Usually these restaurants condemn those for whom to play with food is blasphemy. But now scientifically proven - playing with food means to get all the pleasure from her that she could give.

It remains only to come up with a non-standard consumption of those ten dresses, which hang in the closet and no longer make it happy.

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