The most commonly apple trees are sick: description, treatment


    Good afternoon, my reader. Diseases apple trees have different causes of occurrence. In order to maintain the health of the fruit garden, you need to understand this problem and, if possible, try to prevent it or eliminate it.

    The most commonly apple trees are sick: description, treatment 15809_1
    The most commonly apple trees are sick: description, treatment of Maria Verbilkova

    This fungal infection affects not only leaf plates, but also fruits. The disease is manifested in the form of brown-green spots. Infected leaves will start to deform, dry and fall. And on the affected fruits will appear brown spots.

    In order to prevent apple trees, handle three times per season. For the first time, the spraying procedure is carried out in early spring, before the start of the deploration. Treatment is carried out with a solution of burgundy liquid (3%) or chloride copper oxide, the drug "Abiga peak".

    After flowering, the plants spray with 1% burglar fluid solution. And after a couple of weeks, chemicals can be used: "Horus", "Sorrow", "Gamair", etc.

    The most commonly apple trees are sick: description, treatment 15809_2
    The most commonly apple trees are sick: description, treatment of Maria Verbilkova

    This fungal disease amazes all parts of the apple tree: on shoots, leaves, kidneys and inflorescences There are white mild falling. After some time, the plant is covered with dark spots.

    It is possible to eradicate the torrential dew only with a radical way. All infected parts of the plant are collected and burned outside the country area. The early stage of the disease is treated with a colloidal sulfur solution. For this, 80 g of mineral is bred in 1 bucket of water.

    The disease begins to manifest themselves with the formation of small whiten spots in the form of a mildew. Later affected places acquire a dark (gray or purple) color. Flame plate plates, buds and flowers are touched by infection begin to fade, dry out and fall.

    The rapid development infection receives with high humidity (60-80%) and the ambient temperature in the range of 20-29 ° C. For the prevention of apple trees are treated with biological preparations: "Kurzat", "Phytosporin", "Ordan", etc.

    A good effect gives a self-made means of milk, wood ash and iodine. For this, the ashes of burned plant residues are connected with 10-12 drops of 5% iodine. There are 0.5 kg of ash, boiling water boiled 3 liters.

    This fungal infection affects the surface of the apples: they are covered with brown spots, which over time are increasing in size. Then the fruits appear traces of fungal infection (controversy) in the form of blessed circles. Damaged apples spoil right on the tree (rot and mummify).

    The most commonly apple trees are sick: description, treatment 15809_3
    The most commonly apple trees are sick: description, treatment of Maria Verbilkova

    To eliminate the disease, plants are treated with drugs containing copper ("Oxychi", "Abiga Peak", a solution (3%) burglar fluid). For each adult plant consumes at least 2 liters of medicament. During the flowering period and 3-4 weeks before harvest, trees are treated with biological preparations: "Phytolavin", "Phytosporin-M" or other.

    This dangerous disease leads to the death of apple trees: infection affects all parts of the plant. Brown spots appear on the strain, fruits, flowers and leaf plates. Gradually, wounds are formed on the crust of the plants, which lead to the dying.

    To stop the disease, contaminated areas are cleaned (cut out) and are treated with a solution (5%) of an iron vapor. Then the wounds are smelted to Garden Warr. For prevention, trees spray with burgundy liquid (1%) after flowering and at the end of the season.

    Healthy apple orchard is a pledge of high yield and a beautiful place to relax. The timely discovered problem is easier to eliminate how to cure the sick plant.

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