Riding the cheesecakes is dangerous? All you need to know about your favorite winter fun

Riding the cheesecakes is dangerous? All you need to know about your favorite winter fun 15770_1

Full Guide on Safe Powders

Winter is traditionally associated with winter fun: snowmen, snowballs and mountain skiing. The latter, however, often becomes the cause of injuries and even death - if it comes to skating on the "Watrushka" with an unequipped slope for this (and this is almost any slope). It was understood that not so with the beloved many fixture for riding, and how can it be replaced.

It did not have time to go through two weeks from the beginning of 2021, more and more news about people who were injured or even those who died as a result of skiing on herbs began to appear in the tape - for example, a 26-year-old girl died in the Nizhny Novgorod region And in Ufa, the grandfather, who rode from the mountain with a seven-year granddaughter (the girl came to the hospital with multiple injuries).

Why rolling on the cheese is dangerous?

The main danger of riding on inflatable boobs lies in the fact that they are able to develop a fairly greater speed (about 50 kilometers per hour!), At the same time, they are absolutely impossible to control them, for example, to avoid an obstacle or change the trajectory.

When you go down from the mountain on the cheese, you can't slow down, jump off her or at least fall on the side to extinguish the speed of movement - you just fly with a huge speed in an unpredictable direction.

Sometimes the cheesecakes can still start spinning around their own axis during the descent, which makes them completely uncontrollable. At the same time, not only its passengers can suffer from riding on the cheese, but those who are will dive into whom.

If the cheeters are so dangerous, then what can I ride from the mountain?

One of the best options for the winter "pokatushek" are simple Soviet ... Sledge. They can be controlled by tons of body slopes, it is easy to slow down the legs, and in the case of which you can jump or fall apart.

A more advanced variation of classic sled - snow scooter (such is also called "Argamak"), which is controlled by the steering wheel. It can be used and as ordinary Sanok - to roll a child on snow roads, and for safe descent from the mountain.

Simple and budget alternatives are all sorts of plastic ice plants. It is difficult to call them the optimal option, because from riding on flat "basins" the back and the tailbone suffers, but they are still safer than the cheesecakes - they can be peeling or braked with their feet.

One nuance: Contrary to the title, on icecakes it is better to ride with a snowy slide, because in the ice slings they are too much accelerated and can also cause injuries.

In safety issues, it is also important to take into account not only what you are riding, but and where you ride.

How to choose a safe ride hill?

Best of all, of course, ride with a specially equipped slide - smooth, smooth and without obstacles, but if there is no such slide in your nearest access, then, how can you choose a suitable slide next to the house.

First, appreciate the slide visually, go along it, and then ride it without a child. So you will understand whether there are no irregularities on it, bumps, springboards or dangerous places.

Choose a slide that is located away from water bodies (even frozen), railway tracks and roadway.

Check that the slides below there are stones, trees, lamp pillars and other obstacles.

To ride with children, choose a more gesting slide.

After you have acquired safe equipment and found a space for riding, it is important to comply with the necessary safety rules. Here they are:

Rules of Safe Catania

If the child rides from the slide one, meet it downstairs and help him slow down.

Rock off the slide when there is no one on it, and after you ride, quickly go aside.

Do not ride in the dark.

Do not ride into the state of alcohol intoxication.

Swirl in one: do not fit into the "locomotive" or set someone to your knees.

During riding, sit on sleds or icekeery as it is provided for by the design - it is necessary to go to the stomach or turn back forward.

Constantly watch out children and teach them to follow the rules of safe riding.

And if you really want to ride on the cheese?

You can only ride the cheesecakes in those cases if you do it on a specially equipped slope and in compliance with all safety rules.

A specially equipped slope for the cheesecake is not very cool (its bias is not more than 20-30 degrees), limited on the side and ends with a large flat space on which there are no trees, pillars, and on which people or cars can not suddenly appear. As a rule, such slides can be found in ski resorts.

These are the rules for the safety of riding on the cheesecakes must be observed:

Use the cheese, suitable for you in size and weight (they are usually indicated, what weight they are kept)

Before each risk, check that the cheese is hung well, without damage and deformation

Put on your helmet on yourself and the child (the tubing can be considered an extreme sport, and therefore it is necessary to prepare for it, respectively)

Sit in the center of the cheesecake, as it is provided for by its configuration, do not ride the "train" and do not take a baby on your knees

During the descent with both hands, hold onto the belts on the sides of the cheese

Do not sit on the cheese of children under seven years

Never ride, tiring the cheesecake to the car or snowmobile.

Perhaps someone may seem that all these precautionary precautions are superfluous and impracticable, but traumatologists facing the influx of patients from year to year with the influx of patients who were injured - sometimes very heavy - as a result of improper riding on the cheesecakes.

There are many ways to make winter fun and exciting, and most securely as possible for all participants, and we urge you to take advantage before making joyful "Iichhha!" Down the slope.

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