Car owners in Russia listed conditions for returning the car to the salon


This was told in a conversation with journalists the head of the dealer direction of the network of car dealerships Fresh Auto Denis Reshetnikov

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In an interview with the Prime, Prime Reshetnikov clarified that return the car to the salon after the purchase, as any product of the law is allowed, but for this it is necessary to comply with a number of rules and requirements. The expert stressed that you can even return the car with mileage, although this can not be done in all cases.

Due to the fact that the car is a complex technical means, to return it to the car dealership, no later than 15 days from the date of signing the act of acceptance and transfer between the dealer and the buyer. However, this can not always be done, but only in those cases, if there are technical disadvantages in the car. It may be fuzzy steering, no sound insulation and much more. But in those cases, if the auto owner ceased to like the color or cover of the cabin, it will not work back the car.

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According to the expert, in cases where the problems are technical in nature, and not received due to careless actions of the driver or passengers, the contract of sale can be terminated, and the full cost of the car will be returned to the buyer. Also in the cabin can offer to be replaced by a similar car of the same brand, or another brand, overlooking the purchase price.

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It is worth noting that after 15 days of operation, you can return the car, if it even has a significant drawback, it will be more difficult. It will take a long time that the car passes the examination and the shortcomings were corrected. At the same time, the problem discovered in the car, as a result of the examination, should be documented by the expert.

The document should not be noted that the identified disadvantages are a production marriage, and did not occur due to the wine owner. Otherwise, it will be regarded as incorrect operation, and no payments for it will not be provided.

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In some cases, according to Reshetnikov, you can even pass the car with mileage.

Previously, the "Central News Service" reported that the top 3 budget vehicles were presented to work in a taxi. The list does not have obvious solutions like Renault Logan, Hyundai Solaris, Datsun ON-DO and other models.

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