Tabris Yarullin: "The National Library is a territory not only for coffee and photo in Instagram, it is the territory of meanings" - video


Tabris Yarullin:

In a new project on TV channel TNV, an interview with outstanding Tatar scientists and experts will be published on weekdays.

The thirty-sixth hero of the Special Project was the Deputy Director of the National Library of the Republic of Tajikistan Yarullin Tabris Mudarisovich. Yarullin was Chairman of the World Tatar Youth Forum for 7 years.

In an interview with the correspondent, TNV, Yarullin spoke about the National Library of a new format, promoting funds, as well as about the need for social work.

"Apparently, I have a socialist in the soul"

- The emergence of the National Library in the building of the former NCC is a new step, for the new meanings of Tatar youth. Do you agree with this?

- Not only young people and not only Tatar, I would say. My first impressions were generally related to the national theme. The very idea seemed to me cool that there is such a place where people can come to relax and this is not a shopping center, where you try to sell something. It will not be said here that we work only with young people or only with the elderly, it does not matter the age, nor the floor, nor your profession, nor the nationality, and so that it is not necessary to pay it. This place where you can relax and spend time with meaning and it impressed me from this point of view. I like well-made social projects. Apparently, in the soul I am a socialist. This territory is not only for you to take coffee and made photos in Instagram, it is the territory of meanings. In general, in the world, the libraries have a big social burden, I read European reports, it says that libraries perform such an unexpected function as a job search. Suppose. The person has no Internet, but he needs to find a job, in the library he calmly can do it. And on the other hand, romantic moments, in the library you can get acquainted with people who are like you. Also in the library there are various clubs in the interests of discussion, linguistic, literary. At its previous work in the Tatars Congress, we actively worked with the city communities, and it seemed to me that there was no place where people could meet. For Tatar communities, this is a good opportunity to show yourself and collect a new audience.

- Does the national library be left aside because of these numerous ways to search for work, discussion clubs?

- I practically live in the library since August 2020 and I have no such feeling! On the contrary, it seems to me that this bird has 2 wings this is not public spaces and library. These are 2 zones, a classic library and the zone where you can work, negotiate. The audience, which comes to the library for events, is primarily interested in books and our funds. And all other public spaces, except those functions that we touched, they work on the popularization of funds and to attract people to the library. This naturally develops all large libraries in the world.

- What spaces, the laboratories appeared for half a year in the library, how did they find themselves here?

- The library has a theater playground, we have not so many of them, the Foundation "Live City", the theater "Corner", theatrical community "әLIF". They did not have their own space, they showed performances from the case of the case, and now they have played performances for 2 months in conjunction with the "angle". Also began to pass live concerts, the Label Yummy Music helps us. We are interested in an audience that is interested in live music. The library naturally pulled an audience to himself. As soon as we started a lot of people began to come with proposals, projects.

- What is the national library in the National Library?

- From the national - this is the world's largest fund of Tatar books. We have a department of manuscripts and rare books, thousands of rare manuscripts, their publishing house. Literally recently, the book Baku Diaries urmanche was published very interesting I advise everyone, come, read. We have scientific work. As I opened a library for myself - this is an institution where Tatar is used in everyday life, in work. And this is not due to the fact that only Tatars work here, different people work in the library and they speak Tatar, which surprised me. We have events with children, adolescents, parents of filmmakers, lectures, presentations of books, concerts and all this including in Tatar. We have storage and open spaces.

"My parents never told me straight:" Go and save! "

- How much have you been involved in public life?

- I am 34 of them half of my life - 17 years old.

- How did you perceive the idea of ​​becoming a certain position not in a social project?

- I'm not a careerist, I do not plan my career! I do what I wonder where there is a challenge where you learn something new. There are no more such spaces in Russia. You accumulate social capital and naturally a library that works with many audiences is useful for me too. I think it will be a mutual enrichment.

- Are you actively working in Tatar, public organizations?

- Yes, I continue, but as a volunteer and producer. Somewhere you need to drag something, to carry, and somewhere you need production.

- You had a lot of large projects "Ming Tatarcha Slalәsm", "Poken Bazaars", Jadid Fest. Do you take part in these projects? Do they have a further prospect?

"When I left work, I had a strong emotional attachment to these projects, I analyze it after time. Now this attachment has passed. I still participate in the organization and brainstorms. Last year, "Ming Tatarcha Slalәmm" we held it online, it was a 6-thiesh ether, with good browsing. This is a big challenge, make such a broadcast in Tatar. In August, I participated in the "Poken Bazaars" and realized that this was not the event, as I imagined him. We started this project as a performance. About 7 or 8 years ago On the street of the Paris Commune, we built tables, asked the guys to prepare food, got dressed as 100 years ago, the Kamala Theater provided us with a small lift, microphone and columns and it was in early May and devoted to the death of Tuka - 100 years. It seemed to us that usually everything passes from us officially, flowers, portrait, etc. And we thought our tukai, he died in 27 years. The street of the Paris commune is connected with Tukay, he lived there and his work "Kisk Bash" is associated with these places. We reproduced the magazine "Aң" 100 years ago and while someone read a poem, we 100 people read this magazine at the same time. And for 2 days, 70-80 thousand people passed through this "Poken Bazaar". If earlier people thought that we were preparing it unclear how we arrange in the city center, now it is already in the DNA of the city. People are waiting for this event. And I want Ander Grand. All the created platforms must exist. And "Poken Bazaar" I let go this year. "Ming Tatarcha Slaxәm" is a street action that takes place on Bauman, this is a cool project and I think, this year I take part in it more ideas than the organization. I will continue to help exercise these projects.

- Why do you want? What is the popularization of Tatar? Union of youth?

- In the congress of the Tatar, I was engaged in this, nor because by office it was put, but just got to young guys who were engaged in something, became a volunteer. On Ming Tatarcha Slalәmm, I hung banners. Then you turn on and this fills life with meaning, you get acquainted with people and they enrich you.

- You didn't go to the Hospice volunteer ... And why exactly? What do you have inside?

- Hospice we also visited, and during the pandemic I delivered products. This sphere is also interesting, but cultural life also needs social studies.

- Do you see your mission?

- I do not think mission, they even frighten such people.

- But something pushes you to the popularization of the Tatar language ...

- It is my native language! How can you be indifferent to when something or someone dies? Animal, native man, these are the same feelings when something is dying something. It was hard for me to see how in Tatar language do not speak and he dies. Therefore, you are involved and start producing through pain, but on the other hand it can be very interesting. Now there is a trend, if you want to do something unique, then promote Tatar culture and this is engaged in 20 people in the world. Public work - very expanding the horizons, because you communicate with scientists, students, creative people and as if finished 2 universities, this is a school of life.

- How important was the preservation of the language, traditions?

- My mother Mathematics teacher and one of the founders of Tatar gymnasium, dad mechanic and a very well-read man. They never told me straight: "Go and save!" He was important for me to do something interesting, developed. In Tatar, we talked to us, as in other families. I am a little different from that community in which it was several years old, which I admire so far, these are people from intelligent families. I have no scientists and writers in my family, on the one hand it was an advantage as a side view.

- It is said that the Tatar He who has children speak Tatar ...

- Grandchildren! I have no grandchildren, and children speak Russian and Tatar. I feel that the Russian began to prevail, but we try and support. I do not think that the matter is only in the family. We gave the eldest son to a polylingval school and it also helps, we speak Tatar with my daughter. We hope that both the school and the university will support us.

- And what does it mean to be a Tatarin?

- Now there are a lot of identities and people like a puff pastry. That layer, which for national identity - he is at the very bottom and the fattest, someone is just powder. For me, naturally the first layer, I am Tatar and I know my ancestors - 10 generations. And they all spoke and wrote in Tatar. Recently, the son gave the task and I told him about His ancestors.

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