7 designer techniques so that the ceilings in the living room seemed above


Each resident of typical "panel" knows what to have a low ceiling in his apartment. The minimum height in the residential room is 2.4 meters. But this is not a reason to despair, because several design techniques will allow you to visually pull the room into a height and make the room more spacious.

How to make the ceilings above the design

The presence of this problem does not require a cardinal restructuring, as it will be enough to use certain designer tricks. With their help, the ceiling will be higher, and the room will visually increase in size.

More white

First of all, you need to use a white color that will expand free space. If there is a low ceiling in the room, it is recommended to take note of this particular option. The glossy surface covering perfectly reflects the light, which contributes to an increase in the room. When choosing a material for finishing the ceiling, you do not need to buy a matte finish.

7 designer techniques so that the ceilings in the living room seemed above 15724_2
High furniture in the ceiling and focus on the windows

The height of the ceiling can be increased by "pressing" to the floor of each furniture item - do not need legs. Also help the height of the furniture close to the ceiling. As for the design of window openings, it is better for them to choose curtains that will not distract attention. This technique gives a stunning effect in the apartment on the first floor.

7 designer techniques so that the ceilings in the living room seemed above 15724_3
Mirror floor or ceiling

It is possible to achieve a visual illusion of height by applying a stone floor covering, and most often designers advise you to choose Onyx. The surface of the material is subjected to careful polishing, which makes it possible to reflect as in the mirror. Of course, it has a high cost, therefore the liquid floor can be an alternative option. In this case, there is a scope for fantasy, because it is permissible to do it:

  • just glossy;
  • volume;
  • With an additional 3D effect.

The same effect can be achieved with the help of a mirrored surface of the ceiling - modern materials allow you to embody this design solution using a special tile, which is not to distinguish from the real mirror.

Proper lighting

With a low ceiling, it is important to carefully select the lighting system. Designers advise to choose a matte box located around the perimeter in which point lights will be built.

In addition, it is important to observe the direction of the flow of light. For example, if the room looks a bit flat, then the flooring or chandelier must shine towards the ceiling, which will lead to the creation of the game of shadows on its surface. This will definitely give a visual effect effect.

7 designer techniques so that the ceilings in the living room seemed above 15724_4
Refusal of wall shelves in the horizontal plane

If the ceiling indoor has a glossy or white coating, but on the walls there are shelves stretched in a horizontal direction, then you can simply forget about visual magnification.

Note! In a low room, there should be no horizontally located shelves in length in the entire wall, because they reveal the height of the room. More verticals

Any items should be located in the vertical direction, even if there are only a few pieces. You can use different details of the interior, but the main thing is that they constitute one "track" to the ceiling and helped to achieve the desired effect. Even the wallpaper with a vertical pattern is able to create real wonders.

7 designer techniques so that the ceilings in the living room seemed above 15724_5
Right curtains

If the curtains are planned to hang on the cornice, then the usual option is recommended to be replaced with string. It is often done directly at the interface of the ceiling and the wall or, due to the use of a niche of drywall. It is important that the curtains fall straight from the ceiling.

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