What tree called the mother of the Russian people?

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S. Yu. Zhukovsky, Lipovaya Alley, 1931 Photo: artchive.ru

If a modern person ask what a tree is a national symbol of Russia, he will certainly speak about birch. But in the nearby past, such a question would have been answered that it was Lipa.

It is impossible to imagine the noble estate without a lime alley. Under Lipami, the feelings were flared up, confessed in love, worried about parting, gave hope. It is not by chance that many classics mention shady alley in their works.

Tatiana dreams about a date with Onegin in the dusk of lime alley. Ivan Bunin, inspired by the poem Ogarev, wrote a collection of stories, which considered the best his works. The overgrown parks are so consonant with the perfect Russian perception of the garden, bathing in contemplative sadness.

The lipa was always treated with special respect, they believed that she brings happiness, so it was planted near houses and temples. In Slavic mythology, she was a tree of Lada, the goddess of love, it's not by chance that her leaflets are so similar to the hearts. It was also attributed to mystical properties, considering the faith against a thunderstorm. Under it we have lost bad weather, believing that lightning does not fall into the lip.

The tree is valued for the healing properties. The tea from fragrant flowers was treated many diseases, strengthened the body, because such a decoction is the storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It has anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, soothing, anticonvulsant action. Lime tea lowers blood viscosity, removes an extra liquid, it is used in problems with joints, skin diseases, in cosmetology.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

Not only fragrant inflorescences are useful, all parts of the linden have a healing effect.

The lime is called the queen of honeycomb. Aromatic lime honey is one of the most valuable honey products, because in its composition vitamins K, E, B, amino acids, trace elements, carotene. Honey helps strengthen cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems of the body. It is accepted for diseases of the liver, kidneys, with vision problems.

Lipa is not only a symbol of the Russian manor, she was revered in the middle of the peasants, it was not in vain called the mother of the Russian people. Traditional peasant shoes - Napti - leaped flap. There was a liking from two trees on one pair, and one peasant for the year she caught about 12 pairs of the lapes. Tableware, toys, musical instruments - all this was done from the linden. Her wood was especially appreciated by the trees on a tree, wooden lace were decorated not only at home, but also palaces.

Lipa is unpretentious enough, it is well tolerating strong winds and frosts up to -40 degrees, odhen resistant, but in dry years it requires irrigation. The usual lime tree lives 150-400 years old, and some long-lived trees grow to 1000-1200 years.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

In the urban environment, lip lifetime is being reduced by twice, but still it is considered rather sustainable for an aggressive urban environment. Lipa looks good at a single landing and in combination with other trees, it is easily subjected to a haircut and retains the attached shape, which makes it indispensable in landscape design.

Lipa is ideal for urban landscaping, and I want to believe that in our cities there will be places for shady alleys, where it is so nice breathing and thinks about the main thing.

Author - Elena Mailway

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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