Golka MKK "Ryazan-Airborne" Danil Shaloyko: "For the season and I have, and the team goes one - the NMHL Cup"

Golka MKK

The last month of 2020 became for Golkaper "Ryazan-Airborne" Danil Shaloyko "rich" on the nomination: he was recognized as the best goalkeeper of the National Youth Hockey League (where "paratroopers" are in second place), and the best player of the team according to fans. In an interview, Danil spoke about the first steps in Hockey and why he chose a goalkeeper, shared his goals for the current season and the whole sports career and many others.

- Danil, December turned out for you with an effective month: you became the best goalkeeper of the league, and the best player of the month according to the fans ...

- Yes, the month turned out to be successful, even too successful, I would say.

- Is too successful?

- Immediately the best everywhere. I never had this, and then somehow sheltered sharply.

- Isn't it deserved?

- deserved, probably. From the side know more. I want to say thank you to the fans for their support, she helps us very much, we feel it even during the departure when they write, congratulate, praise.

- Our traditional question: who would you give this title in December?

- I would not sing anyone specifically. All worked, all are well done. The best player of the month, in my opinion, is the whole team, we play the team, fight, so the whole team was the best in December.

- At the same time, it was in December that your 17-game victorious series was cut off. Remember what feelings you have experienced after the outbound game with HC Rossosh (2: 4)?

- I will say about my feelings: I understood that sooner or later there would be a defeat. At the end of the year, even on the game it was clear that something had no longer obtained, although a few more games ago played great, all each other felt, the transfers were accurate, throws, the realization of the moments. And when a sense of a goal was lost, a partner's feeling, everything went to the defeat. It is good that during the game we will conquer and the next game still won, finished the year on a victorious note.

- Sometimes it seems that the understanding of what you lost to three teams, is a little relaxing you?

- Yes, perhaps, some players have such thoughts that we defeat, we defeat, we defeat, and it seems that we are now on the same skate, we will score a lot, but personally, I am preparing for every game. I played for such teams where there was not very strong defense, there were some failures, so I now go to each game as if I play without defense. It is necessary to configure that the game in any case will be severe, regardless of which the opponent is on the last or on the first. Therefore, I go out on every game, as the last, as if she is for the cup. By and large, we play every game for the Cup, because each time we were closer to the playoffs, we are preparing for him as morally and physically. Moreover, if we want to achieve something, go on, to other leagues, you need to prove in every game and in every moment.

- There is a feeling, or could you even say that you are now in the team first goalkeeper? Or do you still have no such division?

"Many friends who are watching my games are asked if I'm the first goalkeeper." But the fact that I have been playing more recently, does not mean that I am the first goalkeeper. I do not know how to distribute, who is the first goalkeeper who is the second. Threesome are well with each other we communicate, support, so we do not have such a division. Yes, now I have a good game, and I will try not to lower this bar. After all, the main thing is the command result, and much depends on my game. And if there is a command result, then the personal result will be.

- Some confidence came with such successes, because the season started a little on another wave?

- Yes, confidence, of course, came. Now I am confidently going to the game, because, you can say, this is my first full season. Even in that season, I played not many games here, and I played only a few games in Typhoon, and not one of them complete. Therefore, it is probably on the first game of the season there was a mandal. Worried, it was necessary to prove much. Probably, therefore, not quite everything turned out, like me and the team. But after I analyzed my game, made work on mistakes. And then the guys helped, supported. It seems to me that, after that we ignited, began to play with each other, fight - due to this, there was a team, and personal result, and confidence, respectively, too.

- Tell me how and why did you come back to the team?

- In early June, I have not had a team yet, I was looking for where to go to watch, but for some reason I didn't even want to take to watch, I don't know why. And when I was in my hometown - Omsk, rested, the director of HC Ryazan Roman Godes called me and invited me to watch Ryazan.

- When you came here in this pre-season, it turned out to be in a difficult situation - it was necessary to prove that you are worthy of space in the composition. Other goalkeepers had contracts, you were signed by one of the latter.

"Yes, but for some reason I was confident without a contract that our Troika is Arkhangelsky, Terekhin and I will remain."

- Do you think about HC "Ryazan", about the future to get there?

- Of course I think. But you need to finish this season, so that there are grounds for tightening me to the "tower."

- Tell me about who and what led you in hockey?

- Grandfather brought me, and not immediately in hockey. My uncle was hockey at the Avant-garde school, played in defense, played very well, and we went to his games. Grandfather brought me three years on curly skating - to put skating. There was such a moment, I also showed myself well at that level, and grandfather told that the coach from there came to hockey workouts and wanted to return it back. Somehow, we went to the training in figure skating, the door opened from the box, and the goalkeeper came out from there. I asked the grandfather: "Who is it?". He replied that hockey goalkeeper. And I said I wanted to become a goalkeeper. Of course, then this seriously no longer perceived, but when we were already started to distribute by position, I first ran in goalkeepers. The coach did not want me to be a goalkeeper, because I well showed myself in an attack, I was dissolved at all, but I insisted on my own.

- You yourself are from Omsk, and engaged in hockey in Moscow ...

- Yes, I was not allowed to train in the Avangard because of certain personal motives. And I went for the fees in Peter to the Father's familiar coach. After fees, we decided to find out if I needed a goalkeeper somewhere, and it turned out that the Goalkeeper of Birth is required in Mytischinsky "Atlant". Well, we went there for a couple of days to view. I remember my first workout well: We were only two goalkeepers, and during the workout, the coach drove to me, suggested, praised, I even gave it somehow confident. At the end of the workout there was a game, I was scared with such a curious goal, I was ashamed for him, but after training, head coach drove up, asked if I like it here. I said what I like, and he answered me to call my parents and said that I stay. This head coach was Leonid Fedorovich Gerasimov - Master of Sports of the International Class, Honored Trainer of the Russian Federation, the Soviet goalkeeper, who at one time defended the Tractor's gate, CSKA and "Chemist". But it turned out that they have no boarding school, so we had to move the whole family, yes I and small was even then to move alone.

"You still played at the Atlanta School for a long time, then I switched to the Balashikha team, and then at all in Typhoon." Why not stayed in "Atlanta"?

- The main reason for the departure of the Atlanta and the transition to Hockey School "Olympian" Balashikha is a departure from Atlanta Gerasimov. Leonid Fedorovich is for me, as for the goalkeeper, the most important authority. We still support communication and often call up. He always said that I am a good goalkeeper and if I work, I can achieve a lot. In Balashikha in the graduation year I was playing already at school, and junior. And "Typhoon" was then based in Balashikha, and often trained with us. I had the opportunity to show myself, and when we were released from school, invited to watch Vladivostok. In Vladivostok, I was told that I liked it to wait for the call invitation to the pre-season. For the summer, the coaching headquarters changed in Typhoon, but still called me and as a result they took the team. The new coaching headquarters did not particularly believe in me - at that time I was the youngest goalkeeper in the team - and practically did not give to play. My first exit to the ice was with the "wings of the Soviets" in the second half of the game. I went out with a score of 1: 4, and I was scored the first throw from the ricochet. But I am always on any goal - curious, in my fault or not - I try to respond calmly and not to wind myself during the game, otherwise everything will all go bad. When we went out on the third period, the team began to play off, and I also began to catch, more confidently feel. But then I missed one more, we lost - and that's it. Then I was released a couple of times, and after the new year I came to goalkeeper, and there were five of us. I was told that so much can not be, and fired.

- Let's go back to Ryazan. This season has such a result from the team because we managed to connect sports and psychological?

- I think this result, because guys really want. The very good guys gathered, which in life, and on ice are responsible and kind. We are for both ice on ice and in life. There are games when you can see that we are a team. For example, on the exit game with the "Loco junior" when we won 1: 0, it can be seen that we are one team.

- What is the goal now personally before you?

- If we talk about this season, then the goal is the Cup. And this goal is now the whole team, each player. And a personal goal, of course, the most maximum. I already said somehow that I want my idol to become my opponent, and my idol is Sergey Bobrovsky.

Prepared - Polina Karkov and Mikhail Soldatov,

Photo - Elena Mukovozova

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