In China, it is believed that Beijing is no longer worth envying in foreign invisible fighters


A brief overview of this material leads the publication "Military Case".

The combat effectiveness of advanced foreign fighters no longer have to envy, the Chinese portal Sohu writes about this. A brief overview of this material leads the publication "Military Case". The author of the publication notes that both domestic combat fighters have the best qualities of foreign counterparts. For example, J-10, which, thanks to the "Duck" scheme, has increased maneuverability, and is also equipped with advanced avionics and a modern fire control system.

In China, it is believed that Beijing is no longer worth envying in foreign invisible fighters 15697_1

"Thus, J-10 can compete with the best fighters of the world",

The only disadvantage of the fighter Chinese journalists called the lack of secrecy. Wine was called a pipe-sized air intake of the engine, which does not have a smooth transition, and demasses the plane. The problem was partially solved after the air intake was redesigned and implemented on the J-10B modification aircraft. The same problems, Chinese journalists saw in a number of foreign fighters, for example, the European Typhoon, as well as Russian Su-27 and MiG-29 cars.

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In fact, the location of the air intakes like Russian fighters, Chinese authors called the most unfavorable for minority. At the same time, they emphasized that even the newest fighter of the fifth generation SU-57 continues to continue this "tradition." As the publication writes, China has something to rejoice, since the domestic J-20 and J-31 no longer have such problems. The air intakes of these aircraft are something like American F-22 air intakes. It is noted that the air intakes of engines on American fighters "have a diamond shape, an S-shaped channel and are very well integrated with the invisible aircraft."

In China, it is believed that Beijing is no longer worth envying in foreign invisible fighters 15697_3

All these technological solutions, according to SOHU analysts, significantly reduce the radar circulation of the aircraft on radar. However, the F-22 air intake still has a partition, and the adjustable DSI air intake created in China, which is installed on the J-20, is worthy of the title of the most perfect air intake in the world.

Earlier, Journalists of Sohu admired the "Turkish rage" and appreciated the decision to arm the Navy of the Republic with their own torpedoes.

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