In good hands: whom you can pick up the shelters on January 27 - February 2

In good hands: whom you can pick up the shelters on January 27 - February 2 15695_1
In good hands: Who can pick up from shelters on January 27 - February 2 Dmitry Eskin

Taking a pet out of the shelter, you will not only get a faithful friend, but also make a good deed. Together with the Foundations "to the Future", "All World" and private curators, Time Out continues to be a weekly heading, which tells about animals from the shelters looking for the house right now. Perhaps among them there is one who is waiting for you.


Age: 7 years

Accustomed to a leash: yes

Height in the withers: 60 cm

Vaccination: Yes

Castration: Yes

Shelter: Solntsevo

Contact: +7 (903) 664-30-54 Daria (Call, Write in WhatsApp)

Facebook Instagram Vkontakte.

Steve is a kindest dog with smart and sad eyes. But when guests come to the shelter, this sadness immediately disappears - Steve adores communication! He is very calm, can become an excellent "nanny" and a partner for children's fun.

In the shelter Stevie is very long enough - he lacks communication and games. And because of the short wool, the dog does not tolerate the cold.

Steve walks perfectly on a leash, likes to be in the center of events and do not mind tasty to eat. Stevie vaccinated, neutered, chipped. Suggested under the contract of responsible content to Moscow and the nearest Moscow region.

If you doubt:

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5 myths about animals from shelters


Age: 5 years

Accustomed to a leash: yes

Height in the withers: 55-65 cm

Vaccination: Yes

Castration: Yes

Shelter: Solntsevo

Contact: +7 (916) 190-02-79 Catherine (call, write in whatsapp)

Facebook Instagram Vkontakte.

Gavryusha - Fluffy TERRISH type dog with a beautiful black color and a light white fluff on a muzzle.

It so happened that Gavruch is an authorized representative of the Sun shelter at many charitable shares and exhibitions with excellent education and delicate diplomatic manners. Just meet future owners. He failed to meet him in any of the events, he still lives in a shelter.

Gavruch is accustomed to a leash and is not in a hurry anywhere on the street, obediently following the man. Does not show no aggression towards people or other dogs. Gavrews will be a good companion for joint walks of both adults and young owners. PSA character is noble and calm. Gavrews will never allow himself unfortunately.

The dog is healthy, full of strength, has all the vaccinations, chipped, neutered.

If you are interested in Gavrews - come back to the shelter to meet him! Volunteers will answer all questions about the content of the dog house, will remain in touch and will always help the Council.

How to help if you do not have the opportunity to shelter a pet:

Master to help the shelters by making a donation to the Fund

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Electronic gift certificate for animal assistance


Age: 3 years

Accustomed to a leash: yes

Height in the withers: 50 cm

Vaccination: Yes

Sterilization: Yes

Shelter: Oak Grove

Contact: +7 (903) 145 27-21 Oksana (call, write in whatsapp)

+7 (916) 979 86-13 Elena (call, write in whatsapp)

Instagram Facebook VKontakte.

Vesta is a pretty, kind and touching, as if a small puppy, despite its impressive sizes.

Vesta is very focused on people - she needs a little time to get used to, but when there is a well-known friend, a loved one, from Vesta is so simple not to get rid. One meeting with her ups up for the whole day and it doesn't want to part with her at all.

In the family, Vesta was definitely sheepdogs, so it is not surprising that it is very smart. It will not be difficult to promptly develop a plan for the abduction of the cutlets, if you had the negligence to be distracted for a moment.

This striking skill does not always benefit West and she would, of course, sit a little on a diet. As soon as Vesta drops extra kilograms (and in the conditions of the shelter it is quite difficult to do), it will turn into a real statutory, incredibly beautiful "shepherd". Therefore, the dog urgently needs to go home, where she will love and carefully monitor her diet. And it will no doubt answer you reciprocity.

Vesta is attached under the contract of responsible content in an apartment or a house with a large cozy sofa. Gets with children and other (even the smallest) animals.

If you encountered difficulties:

Adaptation of an animal from a shelter in a new house: Help for those who helped


Age: 2-3 years

Accustomed to the tray: yes

Vaccination: Yes

Castration: Yes

Shelter: Biryulyovo

Contact: +7 (916) 210 27 75 Elena (Call, write in WhatsApp)

Instagram Facebook VKontakte.

Charming filial looks like a little bear. Quiet, calm and modest cat loves affection, but never imposes on: he is delicately coming to a person and carefully looks at him in anticipation of the moment when he is being glanced.

Phil - very friendly and non-conflict pet. Why get involved in quarrel if you can take sunny baths on the windowsill or dinner?

The pride of the Fili is fluffy wool that needs to be performed regularly: this is the only concern that he will give his new family. The cat is given under the contract of responsible content in the presence of grids "Antikushka" on the windows.

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Age: 3 years of month

Accustomed to the tray: yes

Vaccination: Yes

Castration: Yes

Shelter: Biryulyovo

Contact: +7 (916) 210-27-75 Elena (Call, Write in WhatsApp)

+7 (925) 509-18-14 Marina (Call, write in Whatsapp)

Instagram Facebook VKontakte.

Yumi - a cat with an ideal temperament: it is kind and sociable, but modest and discreet. Aristocratic appearance perfectly complies with its nature.

Yumi is easy to surprise and interest any toy. He adores all sorts of homely fun and stretches to people who will make him a company. At the same time, Yui loves her caress and can lie on your knees for a long time.

Energetic, curious and smart yumi is waiting to meet with their new family. The cat is given under the contract of responsible content and only in the presence of grids "Antikushka" on the windows.

"Our task is to treat and help":

Big interview with Moscow veterinarians. 7 very different stories about the professional path, the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic, about homeless animals and amazing workers.


Age: 7 months

Accustomed to the tray: yes

Vaccination: Yes

Sterilization: Yes

Shelter: Biryulyovo

Contact: +7 (925) 805-97-29 Tonya (call, write in whatsapp)

+7 (925) 509-18-14 Marina (Call, write in Whatsapp)

Instagram Facebook VKontakte.

Svetik - playful and affectionate cat-teenage. She fell into the shelter with a broken paw: she conducted an operation to install the needles, it was rehabilitated, completely healthy and ready for moving to a new home.

Volunteers immediately understood what name is suitable for a good and society. Affectionate and gentle luminosity loves all sorts of games - rods, balls and mice occupy her clock. Although while it remains a naive teenager, the character is already manifested: the cat will never offend someone first, but without any problems can stand up for himself.

The tricolor turtle cat is an excellent mascot for those who want to acquire not only a pet, but also an additional portion of good luck. Come get acquainted with the chum: it is given under the contract, if there are anticress grids on the windows.

Who else you can pick up:

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