Tred: the story of the "Meerkat-oligarch from Russia" Alexander Orlova, who from a joke became a brand and the author of Tony Blair


Meerkat Orlov became a British phenomenon with his own fictional universe, books and collaborations with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Nicole Kidman.

Tred: the story of the

ComicsBoom editor and comic translator Alexander Kulikov published on Twitter Treder about the sweater-oligarch Alexandra Orlov - Character Advertising Insurance Agregator CompareThemarket, invented in 2008.

A year after the launch of advertising with a meerkat CompareThemarket became the fourth attendance by the insurance site in the UK.

At the heart of the initial advertising campaign with Orlov was the game of the word Meerkat (Meerkat) and Market. According to the idea of ​​Orlov - a binary billionaire from Russia who lives in London and spends money on "vain projects", for example, autobiography or films production.

The main project is the company and the site compare compare the meerkat, on each page of which there are links to the insurance company website.

Tred: the story of the

Initially, commercials were built on the indignancy of Orlov that his site was confused with CompareThemarket and explaining the difference between them.

"Advertising explains to people that my meerkite business is not the same thing that CompareThemarket, where people are looking for cheap car insurance," said the billionaire in the "Video Interview" The Sun.

Orlov - a turntage from the Russian pedigree, his ancestors fled from the Kalahari desert, mistakenly hit Russia and fought against the Tatar-Mangoskoye Yega, writes Kulikov.

The meerkat is proud of its origin and tells stories about their relatives and approximate, which also become part of the Compare The Meerkat brand.

The butler Sergey was building a space station Mir (Kat), Maya - Ballerina Theater, and Vasili - Rock Musician.

And once Orlov and Vasily took the upbringing of the fallen kid Oleg:

In addition to commercials, CompareThemarket produced books, soft toys and other products on the "Universe of Meerkat".

The autobiography of Orlova A Simples Life released in 2010! Amazon overtook the popularity of Memoirs Tony Blair, Stephen Fray and Stephen King.

As Comparetthemarket Evlov is developed, advertised new services of the company, such as tickets for the sale of Movie Meerkat Movies and for the delivery of Meerkat Meals. In advertising Meerkat Movies participated with meerkats, for example, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Nicole Kidman.

Among Meerkat Movies partnerships - special projects with brands, for example, with Disney:

And in 2018, CompareThemarket launched an AUTOSERGEI analytical service and promoted it using a series of rollers with meerkats, parody presentations Apple and Steve Jobs.


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