Tuclear Lesbians The famous doll caused rage from American parents

Tuclear Lesbians The famous doll caused rage from American parents 15613_1

The brand was announced boycott

The American Girl's famous doll has acquired lesbian aunt-lesbians, and conservative Americans fell in angry comments closed Facebook groups dedicated to the brand, and the Amazon online store. The media drew attention to the scandal after a viral roller in a tictoral, which recorded a collector Rebecca Nahman.

American Girl presents a new doll and produces a book about the adventures of the heroine. In 2021, I became Kira Bailey, a 10-year-old girl who loves animals. Kira arrived in Australia for the summer to his aunts who work in the reserve. In the book about Kira, it is written that women got married "after it became permitted by law."

For the first time, the American Girl brand appeared homosexual characters, and for some it became disappointment. People wrote in groups that "innocent children should not know about that", and declared the Boycot brand. Some began to open negative comments and underestimate the rating of the book about the doll on Amazon - a third of the total number of reviews.

American Girl is not first faced with criticism due to the topics of LGBT. In 2005, the brand was boycotted due to the support of a charitable organization that supports girls from the LGBT community. And in 2015, parents called for not buying these dolls to their children after a note about a girl with two dads appeared in the brand magazine.

And this is not all - the company was also criticized for the fight against racial inequality: American Girl said in December, which will present more dark-skinned heroines.

American Girl's representative Julie Parks said in an interview with Yahoo Life, that the characters of dolls reflect the life of modern girls, and that the brand is on their own and will continue to continue to be inclusive. "We know girls who were in the same situation as Kira (that is, who have a deceased father or same-sex couple relatives), and we are pleased to show them that the composition of the family does not matter - this is a family, that's all that Important, "Parks said.

About Kiru came out stop-MOUCHN Episode on the official Youtube channel American Girl. It is first shown to her aunt.

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