Joe Rogan does not consider the violation of Peter Yana deliberate


According to the commentator, the interpretation of the rules is currently very confusing

Joe Rogan does not consider the violation of Peter Yana deliberate 15578_1

One of the main commentators of the Fight Promotion UFC Joe Rogan spoke out regarding the fight of the American fighter Aldzamein Sterling and Russian Peter Yana. The Rogan paid special attention to the problem of disqualification and forbidden to strike with the knee in the head from Yana.

In one of the issues of his subcaster, Joe Rogan estimated the situation with this blow and stated that the Russian fighter was quite difficult to determine in which his opponent was located in. Also, the commentator noted the fact that the rules were recently changed and the judges can interpret the moment.

Joe Rogan does not consider the violation of Peter Yana deliberate 15578_2

Alcamene Sterling was exactly in the landed position, but as far as I understand the situation, Peter Yang wanted to catch him at that moment when he would rise. At this moment, when he screams from the corner "Bay! Bay! " It was difficult for him to determine, there is an opponent in the landed position, or not. Moreover, the rules have changed and now the Commission interpret this moment in different ways. Previously, it was enough touching with one hand, now it seems to be both necessary, and there must be not just touch, but supporting weighing on your hand. This is a rather confusing interpretation. - Joe Rogan, Commentator UFC

Also, according to Rogan, at the time of stopping the fight, Peter Yan was clearly a favorite of the battle. Moreover, by the end of the fight, he began to press more on his opponent. And in the midst of battle, you can easily lose your head and evaluate the situation wrong.

Joe Rogan does not consider the violation of Peter Yana deliberate 15578_3

Yes, if there is a touch touch, then it is definitely a landed position, but in the midst of battle to get confused in the nuances of the rules and incorrectly assess the situation is very easy. All this is not very good, because it was a wonderful fight, and I clearly won him, and it was like he was ready to add. I have no doubt that their revenge will be very loud. - Joe Rogan, Commentator UFC

It is worth recalling that because of the incident with a prohibited blow Peter Yang was disqualified, with the result that lost the title of UFC champion in the lightest weight category. After the tournament, President of League Dana White reported that there is a possibility of revenge, in which Yang will be able to return the championship belt.

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