Dangerous dependencies of modern adolescents


Many modern parents do not want to know what their own child is engaged in their free from school and lessons. But it is worth remembering that such an attitude to the offspring never ends with something good. Everything happens quite the opposite. Parents begin to notice any teenage dependencies only at the moment when it becomes too late and the mechanism itself is already running.

Teenage independence

At an early age, children never have problems, but during the period of growing up, in the transition age, most parents understand that the adolescent actions are already difficult to control the actions.

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They do not know where their son or daughter spend their free time. What is his company and the most important thing - what they do. Everything is simple when the child begins to grow up, he tries to tell as much as possible to his parents about his own life, trying to isolate from total control. During this period, they begin to consider themselves as adults, and in their opinion they know better - how to live and do it right.

It is in this complex transition period that children become cunning and say nothing.

Unfortunately, this behavior is not brought to good, and parents themselves who have lost contact with their child are very surprised when the truth is revealed. They find out very lately that their child contacted a bad company, takes drugs, smokes, or subject to many other common teenage dependencies. After all, it is precisely similar temptations that are very interested in children - the forbidden most attractive. But, by virtue of their age, they do not understand that they can be simply drown in them. Today we will consider the most dangerous and common teenage dependences with which you need to be very careful.

What are the most dangerous teenage dependencies exist in the modern world

The child spends a lot of time on social networks.

To date, most adolescents simply live the lives of social networks. All the free time that they have, they spend there in virtual reality. Immersing in this atmosphere, they do not understand where real life. But in addition, children simply absorb many non-existent standards. They will catch up in their phones, and do not know what actually happens in the world.

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Dependence of adolescents from social network

The fake and artificial concept of this world simply wounds the psyche of the child. And from this it follows the fact that his self-esteem begins to decline. The most harmless will reproach to parents, allegedly they do not live. In the most worst version, a teenager begins a prolonged depression, a personality disorder, schizophrenia.

A large amount of time spent on computer games

The erroneous version that the child can play games, the main thing is that it does not walk where it fell, and not contacted a bad company. Actually, the logic is iron. But there is a big "but". Gradually, the computer world simply displaces the world of real.

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Teens and computer games After all, the computer world can be very easy to control, and in reality you need to go to school, learn lessons and more.

It is worth remembering that under the monitor too much time, the child is able to lose the skill of social adaptation. Thus, the child will remain a loser or generally abides with life.

This problem in China managed to solve. Schoolchildren have the right to play games no more than 3 hours, according to a new law.

Use of unhealthy food

Fast food, carbonated drinks, sweets - all this is delicious, and available. Only the taste of these products is achieved by all sorts of amplifiers of taste, preservatives. If you constantly use these products, the addiction will appear that you can compare with narcotic ones.

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Food dependencies of adolescents from fast food

Some parents simply do not think about those consequences that may arise. And this is a fairly impressive list of various diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • ulcer.
Drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking

It is no secret that the first acquaintance with alcohol and cigarettes occurs in adolescence. We all know everything perfectly. Only here to deny the fact that this real and serious problem is not necessary. Starting smoking or drink alcohol, children are trying to assert themselves in front of their peers. And to check this fact is unlikely to succeed.

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Teen Alcoholism - Big Problem

You can cope with this problem if you can explain the teenager in advance how you need to answer such questions. Explain that it can happen to a person who uses alcohol and smokes. In the century of high technologies it will be not so difficult - there are a large number of examples on the Internet.

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Smoking in adolescents on the third place of dependencies The worldview of the teenager should be built in such a way that it clearly understood what consequences may be from this dependence. Drug addiction

Unfortunately, the most terrible addiction is addiction. Everyone knows about her, but it does not change absolutely nothing. There are no guarantees that this problem can bypass a particular family. The most important advantage of addiction is that the teenager can understand and take new information.

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Addiction among adolescents - the biggest problem of the modern world on the examples explain to the child, in which deep yam to ride his life if he starts to try various narcotic substances. Examples should be very bright and terrible, so the child is more aware of the essence of the whole problem.

Remember, when talking with a child, you need to talk only to trust and be sincere. Do not deceive and say everything as it is. In addition, it is necessary to talk to the most serious topics every day. He must understand that he matured not because he began to smoke, but because he began to understand life.

See also: How to overcome the dependence of children from the Internet and computer games

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