Ilon Mask shared rare photos with a beloved and a grown son with a strange name


The personal life of Ilona Mask has long been interested in millions of people in the world, because this extraordinary person is not only the richest in the world and he himself achieved everything, but also opened a new era in the space industry of mankind. In the frame, published in a twitter account of a man, a 49-year-old billionaire posing holding a child's hands, which pulls hands to flowers. This particular shot of the founder of Tesla and Spacex made in Starbase, Texas, where Mask collects build the city of the future.

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Ilon Mask and Grahims with Son named X æ A-12. Photo twitter.

Officially, a couple of relations did not make up, and the strange name-abbreviation of the Son, who was born in May 2020, deciphered as follows: "X" is an "unknown variable", "æ" - the elven writing of the word "love" and / or "artificial intelligence" , "A-12" - the predecessor of the SR-17 aircraft and the first letter of the word Archangel, the loved song of a young mother.

It is known that before Ilon was married twice. The first spouse became Justin, with which they studied in college. Couple had 6 sons, but the first boy died at the age of 10 days. Now the boys Nevada, Griffin, Xavier, Damian Sakson and Kai often spend time with his father, he takes an active part in their upbringing.

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Ilon and Justine Mask. Photo Focus.

Officially, the couple divorced in 2008, although for several years they have not lived together.

The second wife became the British actress Talul Riley in 2010. In 2012 they divorced, then in 2013 they got married again, in 2014 we again divorced.

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Ilon Mask and Talula Riley. Photo Focus

Then the mask had a two-year-old Roman with Amber Herd, who simultaneously lived with Johnny Depp, because of which there was a big scandal, the courts for which she still had.

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Ilon Mask and Amber Hoard

Recall that about the relationship mask and Grahims became known in 2018, when the pair made the first public output on Met Gala. In February 2020, the singer announced pregnancy, and in May the Son gave birth.

Ilon Mask shared rare photos with a beloved and a grown son with a strange name 15533_5
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