As the British refer to the members of the Royal Family: Comparison of the results before and after the interview with Prince Harry and Megan Marcle


Recently, Yougov held a special survey among the British. His essence was to find out the public attitudes towards members of the BCS, as well as in general to the monarchy. The survey results were published on the company's website.

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There were only 1663 respondents. According to data on March 11, among them 80% relate to Elizabeth II and only 14% do not approve of its person (previously there were 15% of votes against her). Prince William lost some of his sympathies (in comparison with past results). It was approved by 76% of respondents (instead of 80%) and did not approve of 16% (instead of 15%). Kate Middleton's rating remained almost unchanged: sympathy - 73% (instead of 74%), antipathy - 16% (instead of 17%). Prince Charles received 49% of sympathies (instead of 57% earlier) and 42% of antipathy (instead of 36%). Duchess Cornolly's rating almost did not change. It was supported by 46% of respondents (instead of 45%) and spoke out against it - 39% (instead of 40%)

In general, the monarchy was supported by 63% of respondents (instead of 67% in October last year).

It should be noted that the company also conducted a survey before going out the scandalous interview with Sussexes. Previous results are dated March 2. Thus, in YouGov, I wanted to find out how the attitude of the British to the BCS members after the release of a provocative interview.

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However, other numbers became a reason for discussions. The rating of Prince Harry and Megan Plant is strongly "collapsed". After the interview, the British generally fought the Dukes of Sussekskaya. So, as of March 11, the sympathy of Prince Harry expressed 45% of respondents, and antipathy - 48%. His rating fell to -3. But Megan's plague is much worse. Duchess Sassekaya supported 31% of respondents, and opposed it - 58%. Thus, its rating fell to -27.

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Royal experts note that these are the lowest indicators in the entire history of the pair. It should be noted that Sussexam mainly sympathizes young people (age gravity 18-24), but the elderly (from 65 years old) are categorically opposed to them.

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