Double Zykov brings "Neman" to the second victory over the "Lida" and a ticket to the quarterfinal playoffs


Because of Artem Levshi's injury, Andrei Sidorenko had to reformat the links. As a result, the Russian troop of foods - Zykov - Zatzainiliz, who played an important role in the response match in Grodno.

Double Zykov brings

Grodnots had a noticeable advantage in the first period, but were able to materialize it only shortly before the break. Pavel Algiren opened the bill throwing from the opponent from the right circle of drops.

At the beginning of the second period, "Lida" played in the majority after removing the furs, held a rival for quite a long time in its zone, but I could not learn from this. Nemman was the moment to double the advantage, the guests saved the guests.

The key, perhaps, turned out to be a segment in the middle of the second period, when "Neman" with an interval of 48 seconds threw two washers. We did not have time to come to myself after the goal of Alexander Malyavko, as the goal struck Paul Zykov. True, the head coach of the "knights" Edward Valiullin requested a video survey for the position outside the game. But the judges of the violation did not find, the goal was counted, and "Lida" was punished with a small bench for the delay of the game.

Double Zykov brings

At the beginning of the third period of "Lida", four in a row minutes in the minority after the removal of Paul Marchenine and Maxim Yakunin. Although on the outcome of the second majority of the Zyubinsky link almost realized the numerical advantage. The Pole directed the washer, it seemed to be in an open corner, but Pavel Shekensy managed to reflect the washer.

And yet, soon the hosts punched and the rustle, who from the beginning of the third period defended the Gate of Lida instead of Viktor Moiseenko. Throw from the acute angle of Pavel Zykov was designed by a double and finally buried the hopes of "knights".

Double Zykov brings

Maxim Gorodetsky, who replaced in this meeting the injury in the last match of Vitaly Pantau, was designed by Shatat, and "Neman" won in the response transition match. Grodnots retain registration in Extlighe "A", and in the quarterfinal playoffs in the series up to 4 victories will fight with "Gomel". Matches on March 3 and 4 in Gomel, 7 and 8 in Grodno and, if necessary, March 10 (in Gomel), March 12 (in Grodno), March 14 (in Gomel), writes

Neman - Lida - 4: 0 (1: 0, 2: 0.1: 0)

1: 0 - 17:53 Azhgirei (Dzibinski, art.wolk-ml.)

2: 0 - 31:32 A.Malyavko (Chestnuts, art.wolk-ml.)

3: 0 - 32:20 Zykov (Zatzapilin, Nasybullin)

4: 0 - 48:09 Zykov (Foods, Zatzapilin)

Fine: 2 - 8

Throwing: 43 (13 + 17 + 13) - 17 (5 + 7 + 8)

Top players: Zykov - Vestes

Neman: Gorodetsky (59:52); Palivko - Krykin, S. Malyavko (K) - Chestnuts - A. Malyavko; Wolves - Stepanov (a), Kolichy - Dzibinski (a) - Buynitsky; Romanovich - Nasybullin, Coffeeplates - Zykov - Zatzainil; Azhgire - Apenka - Fursa; Vorono, Malashkevich.

Lida: Moiseenko (40:00), Shecky (20:00); Tarasevich - Veshes, Idiaatullin - Bunny - Hurry; Wasik - Malishevsky, Yakunin - Bastrykin - Rashevsky; Kudin - Kardashev, Seryakov (K) - Marchers (a) - Shklyansky; Burtsy - V.Mikhailov (a) - merchant; Busko.

28th of February. Grodno, Ice Palace. 998 viewers. Start - at 17:00.

First match: 4: 2

Double Zykov brings
Double Zykov brings
Double Zykov brings
Double Zykov brings

Eduard Valulin, head coach "Lida":

- What to say, you will never win null. The rival played strictly today in defense, and in the second period decided the outcome of the match. "Neman" today was objectively stronger, and we had a little bit of working a game, as planned.

- Brief about the results of the season ...

- We have collected a good team, and if you evaluate on a five-digit scale, then we have a solid four.

Andrei Sidorenko, the head coach "Neman":

- Matches for us were not easy, as I said in Lida, it was a real regional derby. The struggle was stubborn, and the account on the scoreboard 4: 0 does not displays reality. Well done guys who kept the game that the worried excitement and adequately played two matches. I am pleased that the team showed two good matches. We looked at the attack nicely, but failed the implementation when the majority is drawing, I tried to play the puck to the faithful. The rest of the guys are great. Go ahead.

- What do you expect from the quarterfinal games with "Gomel"?

- Waiting for the struggle. You need to go to each match and fight. Passed regular championship, playoff began, and these are completely different matches. I expect guys to show character.

- "Gomel" after the end of the regular championship did not play. "Neman", on the contrary, spent two responsible divers. Would it be a hindrance when preparing for playoffs?

- Hard to say. It depends on what state is the team. We'll see. The main thing is that we have been checking the battle.

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