The Central Bank of the Russian Federation did not exclude the emergence of commissions for transfers in the digital ruble

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation did not exclude the emergence of commissions for transfers in the digital ruble 15494_1

In the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, they stated that the relevant commissions may appear for transfers in the digital ruble, although it is not yet accepted about their introduction. Olga Skorobogatova, the first deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia, during his live broadcast on the social network Clubhouse.

"Of course, the conditions for the use of a digital ruble will be considered. And it is possible that the Commissions for transfers of the new currency will appear. For example, a person will have a digital wallet, so for transfers to other wallets, most likely, minor commissions will be charged. Let's say, from one individual to another - 0.1% per translation, or some other minimum rates, "Olga Skorobogatova said.

The Bank's deputy chairman also expressed that the issue of the introduction and sizes of the commission for transfers in the digital ruble will be actively discussed with market participants - while there were no discussion on this topic. Interestingly, after some time, Olga Skorobogatova stated that there is a possibility that no commissions will not be at all.

Earlier, Olga Skorobogatova said that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation would soon begin the gradual summary of the results of public consultations, after which "close to creating the most detailed concept of a new digital currency." The regulator plans to submit the concept by June 2021.

After the implementation of the detailed concept, the platform testing used to maintain the digital ruble will begin. It is assumed to use the two-level digital ruble system, in accordance with which Russian financial and credit institutions will be responsible for servicing customers, but wallets with new digital currency Russian citizens will be able to open only on the Central Bank platform of the Russian Federation, which will be created in the near future. All operations related to the digital ruble will also be carried out on this platform.

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