"Siberia is us." How to build a business on identity. Part 1


Business at the national flavor is successful all over the world. But is it promising to start your work based on the idea of ​​self-determination?

Sociologists from Novosibirsk Daria Yuskov and Olga Echievska launched a brand of clothing and souvenirs Holy Siberia for "sofa Siberians", growing in their homeland in different cities and countries. They told about why the production of production is the best strategy, what is the strength of multi-philament (and what it is at all), as well as how much are willing to pay for unique souvenirs Muscovites and residents of the regions.

"People originated from the monkey, and the Siberians from the Bear"

HOLY SIBERIA History coincides with the day when a monster was held on the streets of Novosibirsk and in some cities of the country. This is such a harmless comic procession with witty posters. Daria regretted that he could not accept participation in this action, because she lived at that time in St. Petersburg, but I realized what a poster would like to carry on it.

"Many stories of brands begin with some injury. I was alone in an unfamiliar city and suddenly asked the question: and who am I so? The answer came immediately - I am Siberian in St. Petersburg. What is Siberia? Of course bears! Therefore, I drew the first sketch in 20 minutes, and he became the starting point in creating us as a brand, "says Daria.

The painted bear was in monastic clothes and with a burning lunch at the heart, ready to tell us about the Holy Siberia. The topic of Siberian holiness in 2017 was almost a meme about a sacral place, where they will still be forgotten, everyone will catch each other. Bear in Ryasa personified such an idea as it is impossible.

  • Sociological comment

An identity from a scientific point of view appears when we face something unlike us and aware of this feeling aware of our differences. Moving and migration always create an excellent context for this when we say "Wow, and as it happens!". Identity helps to cope with the unpredictability of the world. It gives an understanding of itself and its integrity, which makes it possible to take the process of adaptation to everything new.

Candidate of Sociological Sciences Associate Professor of the Department of General Sociology of the Novosibirsk State University (NSU) Olga Echievskaya

Powerful folklore bemarks protrude in support of the bear. Studying the topic of Siberia, Daria found an old fairy tale about the creation of a person written from a Siberian point of view. Summary: God was the son of the Bear. He wanted to descend from the sky to see how and what is there on Earth. But the bear was clumsy and stuck on the tree. Next, the part that is better not to tell for the night of children: the bear could not get out, began to rot and from his larvae, fallen to Earth, people appeared: Siberians.

A painted bear found the physical influence in the form of a poster on a monster, which proudly carried the Novosibirsk girlfriend Daria to University - Olga Echievskaya. She just wrote a job about Siberian identity and gladly became Ambassador of what was not yet a brand, but they had already prepared to become.

"After a shave of a couple of close friends, we wanted to wear a bear on your chest and were ready to pay for it for it. And I decided, why not? He began to delve into the topic of printing on things and eventually made the first batch in one little Petersburg studio. T-shirts needed 5, but the minimum tailor was 15 - from this "the remainder" and began "commerce" and work on "promotion". I gave the first Olga T-shirt, and then - as in the fog, a dozen went through her friends and familiar who lived and outside the SFO, "Daria recalls.

"We realized that Siberia is the land of nomadic people. People who left Siberia anyway can say that they are Siberians and in any conversation will receive support. So it came to an important understanding that Siberia is not a place on the map. Siberia is us. In this idea, it was decided to work further. "

Decided to navigate the "sofa" Siberians with higher education

"The Holy Siberia chip is that no brand has such an academic basis. Every our creative idea was supported by a scientific basis: Olga read courses in the United States, met with Siberians and generally actively wrote his scientific work, and I drew from this all inspiration and the opportunity to create. So it turned out a mix from the language, human stories and events that occur around these people, "Daria explains.

On an interview, she sits in a T-shirt on which Multifora Power is written is the most popular brand print, which was sold on T-shirts more than a thousand pieces. well and




For Siberian itself, the same thing as




For Muscovite.

The intelligent basis helped Holy Siberia to immediately cut off his piece of audience from competitors. I am Siberian worked on a similar topic (our other article will be about them), but they were more focused on the Siberian spirit and character, as well as the Taiga brand, whose ideas were spinning around adventure and relaxing in nature.

"Our client was a sofed Siberian," Daria jokes. "He can be anywhere, but cute in his soul keeps a longing about his small homeland. Wherever the Siberian - in Novosibirsk, in Irkutsk or in Moscow, in Barcelona, ​​in New York or in Beijing - he always recognizes his multi-flower, will understand, will come to the rescue, or it will be happy together with pleasure, and the next ear will treat Karachinsky ( Mineral water in the Chanovsky district of the Novosibirsk region - approx. Ed.). "

  • Sociological comment

Being a siberian, it means to have a set of positive stereotypes about yourself. But some of them are quite truthful, on the basis of those studies that we spent. For example, Siberians are more enduring, you can rely on them and wait for mutual assistance. In addition, Siberians are distinguished by special freedom, liberty and versatility of opinions.

Siberians are tolerant, because many people came to this region (not in their will) and learned to live together.

Candidate of Sociological Sciences Associate Professor of the Department of General Sociology of the NSU Olga Echievskaya

Brand clean like snow

Deciding to develop a brand, the girls in their own admission ceased to go to the bars and began to intermittent Merch. But in order not to turn the apartment in a permanent warehouse of things for sale and maintain a creative component, it was decided to produce things through the series.

"We succeeded so that there was no large-scale production. In St. Petersburg, everything is good with a light industry, so we first printed on the Belgian form, then we realized that it was expensive, because it was necessary to maintain quality, but also expand the line, "said Daria.

The strategy was winning in everything. First, you do not need constant production on the stream. Secondly, the project constantly lives and updated, interest is heated to it. Well, thirdly, it gives the soil collectors to collect all the manifestations of the brand.

Among the most successful girls, the girls allocate the following:

(1 photo) EB ** N PR ** F - Print that Siberians can withstand any, even the strongest frost. Many instead of stars substituted completely different letters and gave her friendly T-shirts to friends.

(2 photos) Full Pox - a plump animal, personifying a globility in the edge, where it is always cold, perfectly left on the icons.

(3 photos) Say Siberian - the original Siberian words in which everyone can recognize himself and their roots.

Darya wanted the business to be clean, as Siberian snow initially. Not the last role in this issue was played by the Dean of the Faculty, where she studied. When they made a site and launched an online store, Dean wanted to order a T-shirt and, according to Darya, it was shameful not to give her the usual shape of the bank card. So simultaneously resolved issues with tax, and the dean could safely make a payment.

"In six months after the purchase of Dean, the brand went to zero, and his revenue began to reach about 100 thousand rubles per month," explains Daria.

Points of Siberia on the map

Of course, Holy Siberia did not want to close only on one territory of the SFO. The work "in white" and wide academic relationships with personal openness helped Ambassador Brenda Olga to come to the bookstore "Change" and convince him to trade not only with books, but also T-shirts with Hoodies.

"A great achievement that we have appeared not only in the Novosibirsk Tusovka, but also in the Moscow charge," recalls Olga.

Since both girls were closely connected with science, Holy Siberia began to cooperate with their Alma Mater - Novosibirsk State University (NSU). Thanks to various collaborations, his first million brand has done already in 2019.

"Despite the low markup, we have two camps: Muscovites and foreigners on one side and residents of the regions to another. The first group was flexible from the point of view of the price for our products, but the second pay 2,800 per T-shirt was really obligated. I had to find a golden middle and keep a mess for regional customers that we are still not about profits, but about history, education and association, "says Daria.

Today, the Holy Siberia geography is 21 countries, among which there is even New Zealand and the city of 6 states in the US

"These are just people who recognized about us through advertising. Although not always advertising worked. Once we did the day of Siberia in the coffee shop of St. Petersburg and on the advertising post from the telegram channel, despite the excellent coverage, only 1 person came. And the sarafined radio worked so that the next day of the holiday in the cafe was nowhere to sit "

Hugs of Siberian

Under the new year, Daria in the brand account wrote a girl from France. Her young man was from Novosibirsk, and she wanted to make him an original gift - a brand T-shirt, which was no longer on sale. Daria briefly thought and did it specifically for her. "This is probably our approach to understanding the word" heat ""

Now because of the consequences of coronavirus, the brand arranged for sale. A lot of goods depended on physical warehouses in Novosibirsk and Moscow, but Daria does not lose:

"This is the moment of silence and the ability to reconfigure. Now we are at that point when all previous series are approaching the end and in the near future I plan to fully update the collection. It will be a return to the totem and sacred theme of Siberia, as an entity. I think with a fan to create a story from fairy tales and screw my life in it, "she clarifies.

Despite all the changes, Holy Siberia always retains one thing: heat that is in each of their things.

"I noticed: when Siberians meet, while being almost not familiar, they hug. It seems to me that a person comes into contact with our brand, he appeared that the very effect of Siberian embraces "- Daria is sure.

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