All secrets of rapid growing green onions on the windowsill


Luke juicy feathers contain many substances useful for the human body. According to the reviews of experienced nutritionists, in the onion greenery among the most valuable phytonutrients there are vitamins (groups B, C, carotenoids, tocopherols), minerals, and microelements, bioflavonoids, and phytoncides, and essential oils, and antioxidants, and organic acids, and food fibers.

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That is why the inclusion in the daily diet of fresh bow leaves and other garden greenery is vital to maintain the health of all family members, especially during the cold season, when we all suffer from hypovitaminosis. And so that every day to season your favorite dishes with fresh onion feathers cut immediately before use, from the autumn and before the spring, I am engaged in an armor to the greens, hagging out the sprouted heads into the fertile soil right at myself on the windowsill.

How I grow green onions at home: all tips and tested recommendations

In my experience, the bulbs, located in the nutrient substrate, rich in the organica and mineral salts, give greens on one harvest more than the heads trapped in ordinary water. That is, the leaves that have reached the height of 25-30 cm from the bulbs in the soil, I cut off three times, and from those that are allowed white roots directly in water - only two. Yes, and the color of the feathers growing in the land of plants, like the thickness of the leaves themselves, differ significantly for the better.

My stretching secrets of Luke were mastered in practice for 2 seasons. Now the windowsill of a warmed balcony is completely made by trays with a green bow from November and before the start of spring, while the seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables are moved there. Onions on the pen is not afraid of short-term freezers and with ease withstands the decline in the night temperature to 0 ° C. Therefore, even in Epiphany frosts, at which the temperature on the loggia dropped sharply to + 2 ° C, I did not have to put plants into the room for the night.

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Protection against insects
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Since the bulbs are in wet earth, they can get midges in them. To prevent an unpleasant neighborhood with the insects running over the windowsill when landing, I immediately insert between the matches of the match, immersing sulfur in the ground to a depth of about 1 cm. Periodically, I remove matches with soluble gray and replacing them with new ones.

Universal soil for mini garden
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I use a mixture of fertile land from the garden and the purchased soil based on low-neutrality with neutral acid (1: 1) as a substrate. And to enrich the Earth with the nutrient components and valuable trace elements for each liter of the mixture, I add 2 tablespoons of sifted herbal ashes or wood ash from the fireplace.

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Replacement of bulbs to new

The bulbs placed in the ground give the growth of feathers for three to four months. It is possible that some copies will delete their resource earlier, for example, after the first trimming of the vegetative mass, and dried. Such heads I immediately throw away, and the released place immediately fill it with a suitable bulb from home reserves, it is desirable to be sprouted or at least with swollen roots.

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Features of landing onion on the pen
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When boarding non-fibrous bulbs with a dry root neck and dry root Don, I definitely cut the tops.

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All secrets of rapid growing green onions on the windowsill 15440_11

Before the procedure, I recommend soaking the landing material for a day in any growth stimulator, for example, in a solution of aloe extract (1 ampoule by 0.5 liters of water) or succinic acid (1 tablet on 1 liter of water). The crumpled heads with seedlings or long feathers I plant without preliminary trimming and soaking.

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Watering and fantastic onion on the windowsill
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Once a month I water the green onion, growing in the minoriety on the windowsill kitchen and the glazed balcony, the ash infusion, which besides potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium contains a complex of trace elements (iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, boron, etc.). For the preparation of liquid fertilizer, I lame in a liter of 1-2 tbsp. l. Scrolling ash and insist liquid for 4 days, every day shaking the sediment with a spoon.

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Watering plants often do not recommend, especially during rooting. The process of adaptation of the bulbs in the ground can occupy up to 4 weeks, especially in non-sore and with cropped tops. During this period, the root system is awakening, and the consumption of moisture occurs extremely slowly. Excess water in Earth can lead to the development of rotting processes. I moisturize the land in the landing trays after the top layer of the soil coma dries (every 6-7 days).


The first time I spend a cut when the height of the leaves in most bulbs reaches 30 cm, leaving the pasteen no more than half of the centimeter. In the future, I cut the continuing greenery 2 more times (height from 20 to 25 cm). I add cut feathers to vinaigrette and other cold snacks, as well as pour into plates with chicken broth, borsch, ear, schi and pea soup.

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All secrets of rapid growing green onions on the windowsill 15440_16

Let my experience inspire you to grow a fiber bow at home. I wish the success and juicy harvest of greenery in the minority!

Also surely read: a new super method of growing onion on the feather in bottles -

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