Echo of the 90s: As participants of the group "Lyceum" live today


Today, the group "Lyceum" remembers quite rarely, although in the 90s, this Gerls-Bend was heard from everyone. Their song "Autumn" did not leave the rotations, and many probably remember the words of Hita and sometimes they so far.

It is worth noting that the "lyceum" as a group exists to this day. Over the decades, the team has undergone changes not once, but to surpass "the original" trio of Nastya Makarevich, Lena Pernov and Isolda Ishkhanishvili new participants could not. The fate of the girls from the first composition "Lyceum" diverged twenty years ago, and during this time each of them did their own way.

Anastasia Makarevich

From the very beginning of the existence of "lyceum", Nastya was the leader and the main locomotive of the group. Makarevich remains to this day, being the only vocalist of the first composition, serving in the team so far.

Echo of the 90s: As participants of the group

Today, the group, of course, cannot and dream of the glory that was in the 90s, but regular concerts and speeches on corporate enterprises still testify that the creativity of the Lyceum remains demanded after dozens of years.

Over the years, Anastasia itself has managed not only to be realized as a singer, but also has established itself as a good TV presenter and even a vocal teacher. In addition, Makarevich is a mother of two children. Their artist brings up with her husband Evgeny, in marriage with which it consists of twenty years.

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Isolde Ischkhanishvili

The native of Ukraine Isolde Isolanishvili due to its bright appearance was always considered a real decoration of "lyceum", which the artist gave without a small 10 years of his life.

True, at a certain point, the girl realized that it would be difficult to fully realize himself in creative terms in the "lyceum", and decided to leave the group. Then Isolda planned to start the solo career, but this plans were not destined to come true.

Echo of the 90s: As participants of the group

Nevertheless, the life of Ishkhanishvili, according to her own words, it happened as it should not be better. Shortly after leaving the "lyceum" she met a businessman Dmitry Dectendel, in marriage with which the celebrity consists to this day. Now their family lives in the Moscow Region Rublevka. In 2012, a couple had a boy, whose upbringing is Isolde and dedicates all his free time.

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Elena Pereova

As for the most eldest of the "Lyceum" Helena Perov, then its fate seems to be given the least cloudless. The interests of the girl were never limited to music, so he received a TV presenter during the participation in the group in a group, without hesitation, he agreed on him.

To prevent the producer that the participation in a third-party project will entail her dismissal, the performer did not respond, but the sanctions for disobedience Lena had to wait for a long time. When the transfer with her participation was published, the girl immediately pointed to the door.

Echo of the 90s: As participants of the group /

Nevertheless, with the stage of Perov after the "lyceum" did not say goodbye. Two years later, the artist performed throughout the country as part of the Amga Group, and then worked on television for almost six years. He was also in the life of Elena, the experience of shooting in cinema and in several TV shows.

However, in zero her name appeared in the media more often due to scandals. Two times the girl fell into the accident, being drunk, after which the rumors crawled in the press that she had serious alcohol problems. Since then, Perova has completely limited his communication with journalists and went into the shadow, appearing in the field of view only in 2017. Then the star announced the start of work on a certain educational project on the radio, but after a few months it became known that the participation of "ex-lyceum" was discontinued in it.

And who from the first composition "Lyceum" most of all you remember? Share your opinion in the comments.

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