What happens if you forget to feed the crow

What happens if you forget to feed the crow 1540_1

That day we went to the amusement park with granddaughter. Rank widow and sat on the bench to eat. We took a thermos with meal sweet tea with me, sandwiches and chocolate candies.

And in the park around the crows circled. They are crazy a little, in fact. Especially when they gather a pack on a tree. We are sitting in Yulya, drink chaps and suddenly see how the crow goes near the asphalt. Moreover, persistent such. I was afraid to drive her to not provoke. Suddenly will throw on us, and she has sharp claws.

Here Julia offered her to treat her. Sandwiches ended, decided to share sweets. The granddaughter took the chocolate candy, put on his palm and stretched out. And the ravene want to enjoy, but scary. Julia attributed a treat slightly gone and put. Began to observe the reaction of the crows.

And she will fit, will take away. Scary. Then she rushed sharply, grabbed the candy and flew off to a safe distance. And the candy is in the wrapper. Crow with a beak several times blocked, but I could not deploy. Looking at us look like this, they say, you are silly, or something. The granddaughter ran and the candy deployed. And she chocolate, tasty. The crow grabbed her with a beak and rather flew into a tree.

And we sit on our own, we drink CHAKS. Here two crows arrive at once and begin to circle around us. Yulka laughs, says, they say, his girlfriends invited their treats. What should I do. They took another candy, prudently unfolded and broke on in half. They squeezed sweet and flew ravis.

And what do you think? After some time, a flock of birds flew and sat nearby. But the candies no longer had. Therefore, there was nothing to care. Amazing creatures, though. And how do they transmit information to each other, interesting.

We came home and thought. Soon winter, birds will be difficult to extract food. It would be necessary to help them. The little bowl hung over the window and poured seeds in it, a croup and bread crumbs. In the evening, the first feathered guests flew. Bored and flew away.

We every day filled the feeder and even specifically went to the market to buy seeds cheaply. Pigeons, sparrow and even crows fed in our "dining room". And only the cinemas was not. They rarely appear in our city.

And then at night went to visit friends and returned home in the morning. Time is noon, and we are preparing breakfast. And here hear some knock outside the window. And we cannot understand - what's the matter. And the knock is becoming more insistent. Julia curtain moved away, and outside the window of the crow.

She flew to seeds to enjoy, and the feeder is empty. We forgot to pour out a treat. Here is a bird and decided to remind yourself. I have previously heard about the incredible mental abilities of Raven. And now I was surely convinced - they are very smart and intelligent feathers.

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