Why should you know me: director of the Association of Market Participants Robotics Alisa Konyukhovskaya

Why should you know me: director of the Association of Market Participants Robotics Alisa Konyukhovskaya 15375_1

My story is quite interesting. My friends and we were born on the road from the Crimea to Moscow - Mom went to relatives.

She was removed from the train, and things went further. So she in 1993, when there was not yet mobile, was alone in an unfamiliar city, without loved ones, and gave birth to us.

Little I lived in Ust-Ilimsk, then in Odessa, and the conscious children's school age was held in the Krasnodar Territory, in the small resort village Novomikhilovsky. Like all normal children, we went to school, played sports, music and dancing, I consisted in a volleyball team.

In general, the upbringing was pretty strict, I used to learn to be perfectly, and the entertainment could only do after I do lessons. This generated habit of learning a lot and diligently helped me in the future, when I entered Moscow State University and graduated from the university with honors. At the philosophical faculty, I turned out to be accidental: I wanted to enter the Moscow State University, I participated in many Olympics, but they did not give me advantages upon admission. My grandfather was a teacher in social studies, history, I wrap in school, I regularly practiced and actively preparing for exams.

It's hard for me to say who I wanted to become in my childhood, I can't even remember what a dream I had. I remember that I liked social activity, was the "prime minister" of school self-government, it helped me to train leadership qualities and develop.

Still in school I was interested in the movement "Russia 2045", it is such a transgumanist direction, which suggests that the development of technologies allows to extend the duration of human life. The site of this movement was vacancies for philosophers. I thought it was possible to go there to work there after studying. During his studies, he met the scientific and philosophical community of the "Russia 2045" movement, wrote scientific articles on the topic of what new technologies are, how will they further be implemented and affect life. I plunged into the subject of the Internet of things, it was my first direction. It is clear that there is an Internet technology that will be further - the Internet of things, and how it will change our lives. I participated in conferences in Russia and abroad, but at some point I realized that the scientific career was not very interested in me, because it required a lot of time and strength, and there was little exhaust. I realized that the articles that I would write would read another 5-10 people, whom I already know, and this work will be little practical benefit.

I realized that I want to work so that it was connected with the technologies, and with how society changes, and with what changes occur in practice.

In the third year, Denis Valentinovich Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade, read a lecture on the role of sociology in industry and advanced manufacturing technologies, including industrial Internet. It was 2014, I asked him a question that was going on with the state support of the Internet of things, because I knew that there is support for this direction, he answered "Fine, you did this, talk to my wards." So I fell into practice in the Russian technological agency, this is part of the structure of the Ministry of Industry, they were engaged in the development of technologies.

I remember how I worried that I didn't know anything, I could not know anything, what kind of people are smart, adults, important, and I am a student, without experience and knowledge of practicing, I am only interested in all this. But then I realized that it was the interest and desire to figure out and is key. After practice, I was remembered, and when in six months, one of the partners of this agency did the Association of Robotics, I was invited to work in the analyst. It was the fourth year of the university, then I was scary to dive into this topic, because I knew nothing about robotics, and it seemed to me that this is something very complicated. But I was told "nothing, cope", the potential and opportunities are, therefore, ahead, you read the documents of the International Federation of Robotics and you will help prepare materials about the Russian robots market. And yes, I really did it.

I studied the materials, investigated the market, I helped me the basis that I had in the field of philosophy, studying texts, the total culture of thinking, ways to work with information - they helped me in work in a completely different technique. My job is now related to information and communications, with meanings and ideas. We tell about what robotics is how it develops, what problems are, how to solve them, and it is about the ability to operate to collect and analyze information, because most often the robotics themselves have once to do this, there is no time to write some texts, analyze the market.

After the undergraduate in the philosophical, I went to learn to a magistracy in HSE in the direction of "Management in the field of science, technology and innovation", it was an important stage for me - to get a profile education. I believe that learning is one of the key things. I am constantly learning. This year I studied at MIT under the artificial intelligence program: business strategies in business, and even at the School of the First Channel, in the workshops of TV presenters and producing. In addition, I believe that it is very important to develop internally, psychologically, there must be mentors, psychologists or coaches with which the problems can be discussed. It helps the career becoming, rethinking himself, his role in the processes and development of the company. I became the director of the Robotics Association in 24 years, it would be impossible without constant learning and internal development

The difficulties that were on my career path are mainly associated with age and sexism. It is often believed that if a man is young, he is stupid, inexperienced and not worthy of respectful relationship. Mature age can be more associated with the role of the leader than a young girl. I needed to earn trust and respect for colleagues in the industry. The second part that concerns sexism, it is associated with men who are the leaders of their organizations and companies, leaders. At this point it is very important to build neutrality, not to fall under the influence and pressure, to withstand your position. On the other hand, I understand that all these difficulties, I largely helped build relationships with people of different sexes and age. The task of the Association is to unite, and a woman copes with this, since most often the men perceive each other as competitors. I think that it is the right policy of attitudes to companies and their leaders, following its own vector helped the development of the Association. When two years ago, in 2018, I became the director, in the Association there were approximately 25 companies, now about 90 companies, we grow even despite the crisis.

What surprises me and what seems cool to me in my work? What our whole activity is aimed at improving people's lives. We may not notice that the world around is changing so quickly, cars are surrounded by cars, smartphones that facilitate our life and at the same time with the help of other advanced technologies, including robots. I really like to communicate with people in the field of robotics, they are dreamers, they charge the world with their energy. For my part, I understand that now the great demand for video content and the creation of high-quality video content about what robots are how they are important to use what their benefits are how to learn how it all is created and is being made, as it affects our life. This is an important story and a task that I would like to do.

I think that in robotics robots are secondary, the people who do it are primary and for which it is done. I like how technologies are imperceptibly proceded into life, and we gradually cease to notice how our world changes, for example, the same drones are already driving in Moscow and residents of the city are not surprised. I like to be part of these changes. Another extremely interesting part of my work is participation in sectoral events. There was a great impression on me to visit foreign robotic exhibitions in China, in South Korea, in Japan, Germany. I like to visit the production, to see how the items are created on the factories that we surround us how robots are produced or used for production, because the world in which we all live are created.

In the field of robotics constantly something happens, new solutions are created, it is a constant process of changes and new products. Now, for example, we are seeing how many Russian companies quickly adapted and created their solutions to combat coronavirus. We discussed this in December in the framework of the Robot Robots against COVID-19 conference. It turned out that in 2020, Russian companies quickly rebuilt. They created robots disinfectors, temperature meters, work on the system for the delivery of light medical goods with drones and much more. Robots can minimize social contacts, help doctors and social services. Video conferencing will be available and learn more about robots that are fighting with coronavirus on the side of people can everyone. Russia has other applications that are not associated with a pandemic that concern robots to sort garbage, robots in the field of agriculture. Another example - recently testing waiters for "chocolate", or the creation of a Barista robot, which pour coffee, or recent Gazprom-Neft published a report that there was a message that about 1 million robots needed for the industry Oil and gas. In the center of the State Service in Moscow introduced two anthropomorphic robots, Alex and Dasha. It should be understood that for the production of all these robots there will be people who know how to create them, produce and exploit, these people need to be prepared, teach and need to create, develop companies in which people will be able to work. There are many developments, which, at first glance, may seem like dyed, strange, but it is a study of future technologies.

In the future, it seems to me that the areas of application of robotics will be more and more, and more and more companies that were engaged in pilot implementations and developments will begin to make prepared products and sell their services based on robots. I think that the segment of industrial robotics will actively develop, for this it is necessary that the economy develops, because its condition will affect what the purchasing power is. It is fundamentally important to understand that at the time of economic crises, when unemployment is not only growing, but also the sales of robots are decreasing, statistics tell us on the example of the past crisis. We will hope that there will be a quick restoration of the economy. If we talk about the association and about my own activity, it is generally important now to create high-quality content about robotics, about what it is, as robots help, in order to deal with that fear that is in front of technology. From our side it is important to cook society, prepare a business for the fact that robots are not something from the future, not frames from fantastic films, this is a tool that is already now, which can be used. We write different reports and research, but it is for a professional audience, and if we want to reach out and inform the wider audience, the best way to do is a video content, and I think we will work a lot in this direction in order to Inform the general public about the possibilities of using robotics.

What else surprises me and please: that the world is pretty open to do something and develop. Initially, the robotics seemed to me something difficult, incomprehensible and distant, but for 3-5 years I managed to be in the thick of events. It used to me it seemed that international communities, the international federation of robotics - all this is far and difficult to be part of this, but if you want something, make efforts, then you can try it and understand, achieve the desired one. I realized that if there is a difficult job, and it seems that you are not Doros before it, but it's great to get out, try and at the end of growing to her.

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Photo: Sofia Pankiewicz

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