One of the creators of Rick and Morti sold a digital blockchain-drawing for 150 thousand dollars


The subject of digital art from the Animator Justin Royland, who worked on the famous animated series "Rick and Morty", was sold at the Nifty Gateway shopping area for 150 thousand dollars. The work entitled "The very first edition of Kriptoarta Rica and Morti" went to the buyer at auction. Nifty Gateway announced this on Twitter on the eve. We tell about the situation and the reasons are so high drawing cost.

To begin, it is important to mention the advantages of the blockchain for a niche of digital art. One of the main advantages of the block chain is the impossibility of changing the old data that is already in it. That is, if something turns out to be serious cryptocurrencies in the blockchain, it falls there forever.

In addition, the blockchas are open, which means anyone can track the bitcoin transaction, find out the balance of any address and even see what commission the user paid for the transfer of a separate portion of coins.

The combination of these factors liked connoisseurs of art. The author of any drawing or something like this can consolidate the unique NFT-token behind it, which will be on a cryptocurrency address by type of other coins - be it ether, link or USDC. Thus, the owner of the work can not only prove the uniqueness of a separate work, but at the same time confirm the fact of ownership of it.

One of the creators of Rick and Morti sold a digital blockchain-drawing for 150 thousand dollars 15347_1
Digital art

Accordingly, the creators of works of art can be confident that their work is not formed, and if they fake - it can be easily checked. It also motivates collectors who do not have to deal with copies when buying. Hence the popularity of Niche.

Examples of digital art on the blockchain

The newly sold artwork is part of the cryptocurrency collection of the Royland called "The Best I could do." The collection includes many objects inspired by the series "Rick and Morty", as well as other animated masterpieces. These include the cult American cartoon series "Simpsons", according to Cointelegraph.

Work for 150 thousand dollars got the buyer under the pseudonym Blank. As is customary in the world cryptocurrency, the buyer does not disclose its real name, so it is most likely to calculate the identity of the connoisseur of digital art. The work itself is supported by a unique token (NFT), which guarantees originality and the fact that the purchase of the purchase is Blank. It is possible that with the growth of this sphere in the cryptocurrency industry, it will be able to resell the drawing later for a much longer amount.

One of the creators of Rick and Morti sold a digital blockchain-drawing for 150 thousand dollars 15347_2
Digital Digital Figure on Rica and Morty

Cases of purchases of expensive art representatives at the blockchain have already happened. For example, at the beginning of the month we learned about the acquisition of a monkey drawing for the equivalent of 176 thousand dollars. The buyer did not hide what did it for the sake of demonstrating his own status and state. You can read more about this in a separate material.

It is expected that the cryptocurrency works of the Royalday, called "Slimonts", will be sold in the near future on the Nifty platform. At the time of writing the article, the highest rate in another auction of art objects of the animator reached 188,137 dollars.

One of the creators of Rick and Morti sold a digital blockchain-drawing for 150 thousand dollars 15347_3

We believe that this is a clear sign of expanding and promoting digital art, which in its new form is still in the germ itself. It is possible that NFT will become a new explosive trend of 2021, like the Defi sphere, which won the minds of the cryptocurrency lovers last year.

In the meantime, it remains to be glad that Niche blockchain penetrates into the modern world. Now the most famous personalities are associated with it, which not only assess the benefits of industry in practice, but also give an example to others. So, NFT, digital art and the blockchain generally have huge prospects, which, among other things, are provided by the current growth of the cryptocurrency market.

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