Roads and improvement in Balakovo. Prize director "For a hiking campaign" and salaries of workers from 4.5 thousand rubles

Roads and improvement in Balakovo. Prize director

The publication that the Director of the Municipal Balavutodore "Nikolai Suldine for January for the mass of complaints and identified violations on the part of the traffic police as a premium was issued 100%, caused a wide resonance. Balakovtsy are still joking in social networks that the director deserved a new award for the sidewalks of snow and ice on sidewalks. And on this background, on the website of the administration of the Balakovo district, posted an interesting document. This is a new provision on the remuneration of employees of municipal institutions engaged in road activities, and activities in the field of improvement and ritual services. Accordingly, there is about premiums and salaries.

In fact, we are talking about a single institution - Municipal budget specialized funeral institution "Plant of improvement". Since the road "Bathoverodor" was attached to the plant, now it is one office. "Baistodore" no more.

The first difference is noticeable in the table, on which the director will accrue the award. In the document for January, the premium 100% was out of:

30% for the implementation of the revenue plan from the provision of paid services. This is with a maximum and over-fulfillment of the plan. If the indicator was from 80 to 89%, then this part of the premium would be charged only by 15%.

50% for the maintenance of roads, road infrastructure in accordance with the standards.

10% for timely and qualitative reporting.

10% for the lack of substantiated complaints of citizens, comments from the administration and identified violations by the regulatory authorities.

Roads and improvement in Balakovo. Prize director
Roads and improvement in Balakovo. Prize director

In the new table for the united institution, the indicators of the criteria of the leader's activities changed:

The implementation of an income plan from 80 to 89% now gives 7%, performing from 90% to 100% and over-fulfillment is only 15% of the premium. Recall that the premium is the payment of a stimulating nature. She must spur worker to do more, better. According to a new position, this stimulating part of making money by the municipal institution, and not just to sit on budget funds, reduced twice.

For the timely and qualitative provision of reporting instead of 10%, now only 5%.

Also, for the lack of complaints of citizens, comments from the administration and identified violations instead of 10% of the promotion, only 5%. Accordingly, if the director admits reporting violations, or residents will fill with complaints, the administration of comments will even identify violations - the director will receive a prize for only 5 or 10% less? So complain how much will fit.

Roads and improvement in Balakovo. Prize director

Why are the remaining 75% of the award?

50%, as, in the past position, for the maintenance and maintenance of roads in accordance with the standards - that is, for the main work, for which the salary itself is. After all, if the work is performed poorly, it should not be award, but even recovery.

And 25% of the award is now for the maintenance and maintenance of public areas, cemeteries. That is, too, just for the main job. When combining "Balavutodore" and "Planting Combine", road activities became just one of the activities of one institution. But the foundations for accrual of premiums have become 25% more? It is less to strive to attract extrabudgetary funds, earning less violations in the documents, it is better to work without complaints and comments, but on 3/4 awards every month to get just "for the campaign of the director to work"? Then for what salary? After all, behind the cemeteries and parks could be in the same 50% through the comma to add. With the same success, then you can split 25% for each site of the work of the plant: 25 for the roads, 25 for cemeteries, 25 per parks and squares, another 25% for traffic lights and lighting, isn't it?

The sizes of salaries are prescribed in the position. Most of all salary at the director - 28 thousand 831 rubles. According to documents, it turns out a bit. And if you immediately multiply on 2 at the expense of a premium, which is now even easier to get? In addition, there are all surge supplements for service, overtime, etc. The actual revenues of the director can be found only once a year when publishing a declaration. And returning to the January Prize, when she was signed by 100% with complaints, comments, violations, then 100% of premiums and in the future are unlikely to become something special, and not monthly?

Salaries and prosuses workers

The second part concerns the work of ordinary employees and their salaries. They are prescribed not only the size of the salary, but also the maximum size of the awards. And not everyone can get 100%. Some premium ceiling is installed 50%, 70%, they are not director.

The biggest salaries from the chief engineer - 25 thousand 415 rubles. According to the approved position, it can get a premium no more than 80%. The head of the section of traffic lights and intra-quarterly lighting - 20 thousand 117 rubles and a bonus maximum 80%. Next, the salaries are lower, among the highest driver of the loader, the driver of the high-driveman is 17 thousand 132 rubles. They can count on premiums up to 100%. BE, but does not mean every month. According to employees, they are rarely seeing maximum premiums.

And then, when decreasing salary, the maximum set of premiums are reduced. For example, a leading economist institution with a salary of 16 thousand 94 rubles can get a premium no more than 50%. Like a labor protection specialist and safety equipment with a salary of 16 thousand 329 rubles no more than 50% of the premium.

The driver of a car, which carries the director, with a salary of 9 thousand 914 rubles. It has the right to the maximum premium 100% of the salary. And the bus driver, which carries a much larger number of people and is responsible for them, with a salary of 9 thousand rubles. Almost 900 rubles less, and the bus driver's premium was limited to a maximum of 80%. Driver director work hard and more responsible? Or closer to bosses, then more award?

There is absolutely meager salaries in the document. Receivers of orders: 4 thousand 589 rubles per ul. Volzhskaya, and 6 thousand 655 rubles acceptor orders in the cemetery. Worker of ritual services (Sanitary) - 6 thousand 709 rubles salary. Employees listed in this paragraph can receive a maximum of 80% of the premium. It turns out even with a premium less minimum wage. Rescuer on the beach salary 10 thousand 730 rubles, and the size of the premium is only 50%. The rescuer is a man who will live in a literal sense to save the lives of sinking people. Will save, and the award is only 5 thousand rubles with kopecks? Again, he was not the director to have the right to a premium 100% at least sometimes.

Russian President Vladimir Putin demands to check the execution of May decrees, the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin recently urged to increase the salary in the regions so that people could earn in their cities, and not go to Moscow and live there "in the trays." Entrepreneurs urge to establish salaries not lower than the minimum wage, remind of responsibility. But the head of the administration of the administration of the Balakovsky district, Alexander Soloviev, signs the situation with the salary, which are lowered to 4.5 - 6 thousand rubles.

The law has a loophole. The salary may be less than the minimum wagon, if it is up to this Mrometa (at the beginning of January 2021, it equals 12 thousand 792 rubles) the employee derabs this amount with premiums, surcharges for the experience, overtime and so on.

But there are a number of moments. When the employee takes the hospital, then the final salary before the minimum wage does not have to "stretch". Accordingly, if the salary is half the salary, and half the award, and part of overtime, how to charge them to the worker who have failed on the hospital month? Also an objectionable worker can be punished with a naked salary, without letting it work overtime by sending equipment in simple. The awards in the table are limited to the ceiling, but by ordinary employees each month and maximum to give the maximum. After all, the premium is the payment of a simulator, but if they are simply allowed, or bring the salary to the minimum, it comes out and above the minimum for some workers, too, it is from the skin to climb, working on weekends, holidays, etc.

Then, with reports, there will be beautiful numbers of the average salary according to the "Combine of Landscaping", and how many will really receive each of them, and not as in the anecdote about the cabbage, it will feel their families. Employees of the combined plant are already complaining that in Balavutodore received more. They promised that no one would suffer when united, but people had already begun to quietly dismiss, go to more paid places. And on the complaints of the inhabitants on poor-quality cleaning is not said for the camera: "As they pay, so work."

But why in the municipal budget institution in Balakovo in 2021 there are salaries two times less than the minimum wagon?

Why payments to a minimum budget institution reaches premiums, instead of encouraging them for the best work, good indicators, not counting the director? The size of the premiums limit the provision of the administration, and not how each worker distinguished itself in his workplace. Or who is closer to the bosses, and who is next? Perhaps with these questions and a resolution of the administration of the Balakovo district No. 352 of February 8, it is necessary to apply to the employment inspection?

Indeed, in the standard agreement, which previously signed the employees of Balavutodore, it was written that during the performance of work and the absence of violations can receive a prize when adding all criteria up to 100%. And this provision already limits the award to employees, depending on which work is performed. For violation there was a separate table, which part of the award can be deprived. According to the current situation, many employees come out, are limited in the sizes of awards, just for watering the bus, and not the car of the head, or they save people on the beach, and do not occupy the position of director.

A new treaty, which signed with former employees "Balavutodore" in the "Plate of Landscaping" could not be received. Employees said that the company was already united, but they have only old agreements on Bathoverodore. That is, they work, but are listed in a non-existent enterprise? Maybe the management of the "improvement plant" will show new treaties, at least workers. And then, according to them, they themselves do not understand where they are listed, and how much will be able to receive salaries and premiums. And why in the award agreement promised up to 100%, and in the decision of the administration of premium restrictions and up to 50%.

Roads and improvement in Balakovo. Prize director
Roads and improvement in Balakovo. Prize director
Roads and improvement in Balakovo. Prize director
Roads and improvement in Balakovo. Prize director
Roads and improvement in Balakovo. Prize director
Roads and improvement in Balakovo. Prize director
Roads and improvement in Balakovo. Prize director
Roads and improvement in Balakovo. Prize director

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