What are the tomatoes - various classifications for lovers of this culture


    Good afternoon, my reader. In the manifold of varieties of tomatoes, even an experienced dachnik may be confused. The classification below will help to figure out what the intederminant tomatoes differ from the stramb, which are suitable for canning and what the tomato color indicates.

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    What are the tomatoes - various classifications for lovers of this culture of nonsense

    Tomatoes (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    It is impossible to share all the diversity of tomatoes exclusively on tall and low-grade varieties. There are 5 groups assorting tomatoes on this indicator. Each of them has its own features and differences.

    These varieties include very tall views. Their height often exceeds 2 meters. Mandatory formation of bushes is required, so as not to turn the landings into the impassive thicket.

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    What are the tomatoes - various classifications for lovers of this culture of nonsense

    The cultivation of tomatoes (photo is used according to a standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    In the middle of Russia, they are not recommended to plant in open ground. The bushes form around the pillars, which allows you to keep the compactness of the bed.

    Data varieties are low and quite compact bushes. The fruits ripen simultaneously are early. Measking grade data is not necessary. Ideal for rapid harvest without much effort.

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    What are the tomatoes - various classifications for lovers of this culture of nonsense

    Tomatoes in the greenhouse (photo is used according to a standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    The height of these varieties is limited. Bushes are slightly higher superberman. Maturation occurs a week later than that of super-conductor, therefore determinant varieties belong to the middle-easier. We need both in the garter and step-in.

    Tall, late saturated tomatoes are semi-technicenant varieties. The ripening of fruits is simultaneous throughout the growing season.

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    What are the tomatoes - various classifications for lovers of this culture of nonsense

    Tomatoes on a branch (photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Have a powerful and rather branched root system. It is recommended that cultivation in the greenhouses and necessarily the formation of a bush.

    Represent compact bushes that do not need garter and step-down. Despite the small dimensions, give a high harvest thanks to the closely located barring.

    This classification includes different maturation time:
    1. Ultra-space. From the appearance of germs to ripening takes up to 85 days. They possess small and not too sweet fruits. The yield is low.
    2. Earls. Collecting the first harvest 95 days after the appearance of germs. Include both strab and determinant varieties.
    3. Medium. The ripening process takes up to 105 days. It is recommended that growing in beds located on the south side of the site.
    4. Overhead. Ripening of these varieties takes about 115 days. Require sunlight in large quantities.
    5. Late flight. Ripen 130 days. The best option for growing is a greenhouse. All tall varieties belong to the late sat.

    Not all varieties of tomatoes are suitable for canning. A certain part of them can only be consumed in the fresh form.

    1. For fresh use, juicy and fleshy varieties are suitable. Usually they have a thin skin and a dense pulp.
    2. For processing, including riding, cooking sauces and pastes, fleshy varieties are suitable with a minimum seed.
    3. For canning, small tomatoes with the right shape are perfect. They must have a dense skin that does not crack during processing.
    4. Tomatoes of universal destination are able not to lose the form during conservation, but at the same time they have sweetness, which allows them to be in a fresh form.

    Not all varieties of tomatoes are painted red. Yellow, black, green, purple, white tomatoes are not only tasty, but also useful.

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    What are the tomatoes - various classifications for lovers of this culture of nonsense

    Yellow Tomatoes (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    The classification of tomatoes in the form of fruits can also be known, which can be round, flat-round, oval, with nose, pear, plumoid, peculible and heart-shaped.

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