Preparation, application of garden preparation and alternative to him


Good afternoon, my reader. The widespread extension of Garden Vara among the gardeners is due to its therapeutic effect and accessibility. The mixture is used to treat sections and wounds on plants, it is sold in housekeeping stores, and you can make it at home. Methods for the preparation and use of garden cooking will be discussed below.

Preparation, application of garden preparation and alternative to him 1531_1
Cooking, the use of garden preparation and alternative to him Maria Verbilkova

This mixture of the wound of trees is protected from malicious microorganisms, pest attacks and wood losses. The use of the solution is to process damage after a while after the wound appears so that it can dry. The reasons for the emergence of wounds may be different:

  • trimming errors;
  • removal of broken branches;
  • careless vaccination;
  • attacks of rodents and insect pests;
  • The effects of disease.

The benefits of garden preparation are ease of preparation and use, the lack of risk to blur with clothes or hands, the ability to preserve moisture and, as a result, minimizing the drying of the cuts. Long drying damage and rotting wood in the wound area, the impossibility of using garden preparation during the cold season, the appearance of burns after applying the mixture - all this is allocated as disadvantages of the product under study.

There are several important features of the application tools that need to be considered to obtain the desired result.

Preparation, application of garden preparation and alternative to him 1531_2
Cooking, the use of garden preparation and alternative to him Maria Verbilkova
  • Only healthy wood is subjected to processing. Before use of the solution, it is necessary to remove all dried, patients and damaged parts of the plant from the plants.
  • The edges and base of the wound should be smooth, bulges and growths must be removed.
  • As preparation, rinse the wound with running water, and the tools disinfected.
  • The optimal term for the treatment of Garden Wara is the end of the spring and the beginning of the summer.

The tool is distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the cut. It is not recommended to use a spray gun: it is too wasteful.

Many gardeners independently make garden var for saving money. Nowadays, many recipes of the mixture have appeared, each of which has a different basic ingredient.

  1. Means for processing wounds, the basis for which is paraffin. To prepare such a solution, paraffin, rosin, vegetable oil in relation to 6 are 6: 3: 2. Paraffin must be melt, then put the rosin in the form of fine dust. When the solution boils, the oil is added, held on the stove for about 30 minutes. The prepared mass is allowed to cool, after which they knead up to a homogeneous consistency and placed in a container with a lid.
  2. Preparation of products resistant to alcohol. The desired ingredients include 10 parts of the fir resin, 1 part of the yellow wax, 1 part of the wine alcohol. First, wax and resin are melted in metal dishes, stirring the mixture. When it gets warm, add alcohol, and apply with a painting brush to keep plasticity.

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