Antipucleus children's campaign


Antipucleus children's campaign 15308_1
Promotion of supporters of Alexei Navalny in St. Petersburg.

The story with poisoning Alexei Navalny found a large age gap in the political preferences of the population. Political - because faith or disbelief in the reality that the state is torture of non-saying citizens is a reflection of primarily political convictions and prejudices. Adult citizens fall into the focus of mass surveys of Levada Center, but the category of 18-24 years is still people closer to the youth, than to the elderly segments of the population. Moreover, everything, absolutely the whole, semi-conscious and unconscious life of this generation was held exclusively under Putin; My generation, for example, at this age I experienced the full package of "Races on the boilers" (Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko) and Gorbachev with Yeltsin already looming on the horizon - still there was some kind of perspective.

Poisoning consciousness

So, the differences in relation to the Case Navalny between the cohorts of 18-24 years and 55+ - stunning. According to the December Levada-Center survey, in the category of 18-24, they support the version of poisoning by the authorities to eliminate the political competitor to 34% of respondents in the 55+ category - only 9%. 40% of representatives of age cohorts believe that poisoning was not and this dramatization, among young respondents this point of view adhere to 9%.

In recent years, the differences between the "Party of the Internet" and the "party of television" have somewhat erased, and here they are noticeable: the option of the truthfulness of political murder is supported by those who use the Internet, the version of implausibility - viewers. The same dependence on another factor: Approval - Disapproval of the activities of the President.

Whether it is worth surprising after that that the state that declared the war to civil society by zeroing Vladimir Putin and a powerful emission of repressive lawmaking, at the same time declared war and children. And the point is not only ready to arrange provocations and vointed those who do not even have 18 years old, but in attempts to massive indontrinations of young people with their archaic doctrines and caveganism. Poisoning consciousness a little better physical poisoning.

Change portrait

If you look at the situation with Case Navalny and is already rally on January 23 from the height of the socio-political and cultural and cultural flight, it will be visible a picture of the fact that the recently died outstanding demographer Anatoly Vishnevsky called the confrontation of modernization and traditions, modernization and counter-management. In the theory of Anatoly Grigorievich, modernization is a process that does not extend the will of liberals and cosmopolitans, but an objective course of demographic, economic, cultural processes. Naturally, the "Party of Tradition" is resisted to this process. Hence the rise and populists, and white suprematicists, and radical Islamists, and post-Soviet traditionalists, going to fight to Donbass. But the appearance of the adepts of new ethics and political correctness is also (with its new and silent totalitarianism issued for libertarianism as a rule for all).

Archaica declares war against the ruthless creeping upgrade. And along the course of this war, the archaic of methods and words, as well as the advanced anthropological material (still wanting to live as Abramovich, and manage, like Stalin) only aggravated and becomes too noticeable. Archaic struggles for young people with their "unarm" and pseudo-column organizations, but not indrinetrine. The young man rushes into the street and hangs in the class Portrait of Navalny instead of portrait Putin, who came to power as a "young": "Kiriyenko - in Duma, Putin - President! Young need! "

Dieucetic blush

Widely declared by military pensioners, which was in the Russian authorities, the West Sunset, the end of liberalism and confession of the doctrines of the field of influence in the world characteristic of the beginning and mid-20th century, is also a banal archaic thinking. But counterperization from the point of view of eternity is just an episode of the already lost war. By definition of the same Vishnevsky, it is a blush on the cheeks of the agonizing. But, add, not passing.

By the way, "young" in this context is not only new generation. Among the peers of representatives of our establishment, together for 20 years, together with Putin, many smart, educated, liberal in their own sense of the word of people. Outdoor citizens from another Soviet urbanized formed layers are going to go out on the streets. There are few of them, but this is a worthy force, and with a cohort of 18-24, they constitute, in essence, one political generation. Remember how many lovely ladies at an interesting age walked during protest days on the Boulevard Ring and Tver. Having revealed themselves from the "echo of Moscow", "rain", "new newspaper", they go outside to show their peers on Red, Lubyanskaya, old and other leadership sites of the capital, how much they are, these ladies, younger, bolder and smarter cluttered In your leather chairs and poles in hookah elderly fundamentalist cynic.

Samples of mold past

By the way, about hookah. Style is a man. And all this molding gilding of the so-called "Putin Palace" is a monument of vulgarity, the monument of archaic, which also discovers a monstrous taste.

Archaizorby, the diverse mass, which we call power, builds your utopia on the material of the past. From the future, only digitalization and technology in power. But you can digitize a terrible archaic, and advanced technologies are both the tools of authoritarian regimes, including in supervision of society and in the suppression of it.

Archaic marks himself with images from the past. Thanks to the cave convulsion over Navalny in the police station, we learned that Idolishki of today's policemen is the People's Target and Minister of Round. And for Rosatom, such an entirely advanced and advanced, trivial totem - two ordered by him for the pavilion at the EDS of the Figures of the Lavrentia Beria. This is an involution, demodernization, archaicization, retroletopia. And they all do themselves. No Putin gives them a team to pray on a stand with an unrealistic fans of rubber members of the berry and on totems with the image of the killer and the rapist of Beria.

Archaica has no future, there is no project of this future. There are past and consistent actions to turn this past into the future. However, there is a basic problem - in the absence of modernization it is impossible to develop. Including economic. Including the growth of income of the population. What to say if this power entered the taste of price regulation - Welcome to the era of the deficit of goods and anyway inevitable stagnation. This power does not believe in the power switch, praying with hydrocruption. Old totem prevents reality to the eye.

Observe the Constitution

Archaica devours itself. And a pleasant appetite, if the war declared by the adepts of the war to our children and their still young parents. Archaica deliberately provokes the anti-Putinian campaign of children, and then shifts responsibility for those who implement their constitutional rights. And do not talk about violations of the law. The 1993 Constitution is the main law of not archaic, and the epoch of modernity, in any case, chapter 2 on human rights and freedoms and citizen. Its norms, if someone else remembers this in the power structures, have a direct effect, that is, not mediated acts. In particular, article 31st: "Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to gather peacefully, without weapons, to hold meetings, rallies and demonstrations, processions and picketing."

Russian power, workers in the last decades, returned to a state more than half a century ago. And again relevant - here he, a visit to the past, - became the slogan of Soviet dissidents: "Observe your constitution!"

The author's opinion may not coincide with the position of the VTIMES edition.

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