Scientists talked about products that reduce the risk of cancer


Scientists talked about products that reduce the risk of cancer 15286_1

Scientists from Qatar spoke about products that can prevent the occurrence of cancer. Experts also declare that there are harmful products that contribute to the development of 30% of cases of cancer.

Often oncologists suggest that the most effective cancer prevention is a balanced human diet. Also, the reasons for the occurrence of oncology are genetic factors and smoking. Scientists confirm the positive effect of useful products on people's health.

For the body, tomatoes are very useful. So they contain licopene - a substance that helps to fight with cardiovascular diseases has antioxidants weakening cancer cells. The study conducted by Harvard University since 1999 showed that if people would eat tomatoes daily, then they will decrease the risks of development of prostate cancer by 30%.

People should not avoid sugar to prevent breast cancer, and it is better to eat products that are rich in fiber. The US study confirmed that the use of 10 grams of oats or other rich fiber products by 7% will reduce the likelihood of laryngeal cancer or chest.

You also need to add to the menu and strawberries. Berry prevents the tumor growth due to the huge number of antioxidants. 15 strawberries a day will help in the fight against oncological processes of the esophagus and breast. Doctors insist on the use of green vegetables salad cabbage and other products that eliminate carcinogens.

Citrusovs will help to slow down the growth of cancer cells. It is allowed to drink juice from them every day, provided that the product is natural. It must be remembered that in walnuts a lot of vitamin E which helps to develop an enzyme that plays a major role in the suppression of cancer cells.

Fish is also beneficial for human health as there is Omega-3 Vitamin D. Researchers conducted an experiment where about 48,000 men were participating over 12 years old. They used salmon more than 3 times a week. The results of the experience have demonstrated that such a group of volunteers has decreased by 40% the risk of prostate cancer. In women, the fish helps reduce the likelihood of breast cancer practically 2 times.

The federal food center in Germany reports that it is useful for people's health and avocado. It lowers cholesterol in the blood and, accordingly, reduces the risks of heart disease. In the product, many vitamins of folic acid and potassium have food fibers that stimulate digestion and give a feeling of satiety that promotes weight loss. Avocado has monoune-saturated fatty acids.

Zabina Hulsmann The nutritionist states that the sharp food also benefits. The burning agents form appetite that leads to stimulation of the production of digestive juices, they have antimicrobial properties. Also physical activity is a good prevention of oncological diseases. Charging will help optimal weight and reduces the risks of premature death.

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