In 76% of the recovered coronavirus, the symptoms do not disappear even after six months after recovery


In 76% of the recovered coronavirus, the symptoms do not disappear even after six months after recovery 15241_1
In 76% of the recovered coronavirus, the symptoms do not disappear even after six months after recovery

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed many problems not only in society, but also in the fields of medicine and science. It turned out that humanity is simply not ready for the current time to tests related to the global infection with a dangerous virus, which led to dozens of millions of infected COVID-19 worldwide.

But the greatest problem of the epidemic and infected people is associated with the side effects of people who have surpassed coronavirus. It is known that every person tolerates a coronavirus disease in different ways, but in danger not only people who have passed the middle and heavy form, but also people with a light form of disease and asymptomatic patients who have not suspected their contamination of COVID-19 for a long time.

In the latest report of the international group of scientists, it is reported that about 76% of the people who have suffered coronavirus from the total mass of infected people face with a form of complications after recovery. Complications may have both temporary in nature and quite a long-term, this may continue for months, and some people can get complications that will remain with them until the end of life.

The authors of scientific work published the conclusions of their research in the publishing of The Lancet. It is reported that scientists were attracted by volunteers to obtain results related to possible complications after cure from coronavirus. More than 1,700 people agreed to be under the permanent supervision of specialists.

About 1,200 people from the total number of volunteers during the disease needed oxygen therapy procedure, because They had problems with respiratory authorities. But after recovery, scientists continued to observe patients and it turned out that more than 60 percent of 17,000 people faced complications of different shape of gravity. Some people have chronic fatigue and loss of working capacity, problems with sleep, depression and an depressed state.

Scientists revealed the relationship between possible complications after recovery and the form of disease. In patients with severe form, problems were observed with lungs, even after getting rid of coronavirus, this is due to the damage to the main function of respiratory organs. Many coronavirus infected were forced to resort during illness to the IVL procedure, after recovery, they have some problems with the lungs.

In the conclusions of scientists, it is also noted that some of the observed patients began to complain to the work of other internal organs, although earlier they had no health problems before COVID-19. The findings of scientists will help doctors and other scientists to understand the reason for the appearance of complications after recovery.

Recall that during the pandemic in the world, 94.5 million people infected with coronavirus were revealed. The largest number of infected is registered in the United States, India and Brazil, then the list follows Russia and the United Kingdom. In the near future, mass vaccination of the population should begin, but immunity after the use of drugs is maintained for a period of 3 to 5 months.

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