Eurasian integration for the week: Main events

Eurasian integration for the week: Main events 15238_1
Eurasian integration for the week: Main events

What should be paid in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union over the past week? This review covers the most resonant events in the Space of the EAEU 15 - 21 February 2021.

External outline EAEP: East

President of Kyrgyzstan explained the importance of "allied ultrasound" with Russia.

Last Saturday became known that the visit of the President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zaparov to Moscow will take place on February 24. On the eve of the trip, the Kyrgyz Leader published an article "Allied bonds", in which substantiated the significance of the relations of the Republic with Russia. In particular, the head of state noted that in the history of the peoples of the two countries, "there were never problems that could create prerequisites for mutual alienation." "The course to bring relations with Russia to the highest level of alliance, strategic partnership meets the national interests of Kyrgyzstan. We are convinced that there is no alternative to strengthening cooperation, and a key place is given in the foreign policy of the republic, "Zaparov said. He also opposed the change in the status of the Russian language in the republic.

"Russian is not only the official, but also the language of interethnic communication in the country ... I as president and a guarantee of the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen decisively against any attempts of political manipulations in this matter," Posted by President Kyrgyzstan.

According to Zaparova, "Thanks to the integration projects and its power, Russia provides the world around the perimeter of the state border, forms a dynamically developing region around him." The president expressed confidence that his visit to Russia "will contribute to strengthening relations between countries."

Read more about the directions of the policy of the new president of Kyrgyzstan, read in the material "Eurasia.Expert".

The role of the Russian language was also decided to officially issue the authorities of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, adopting a new draft amendment to the law "On Language", which provides for the provision of official status. Now government agencies, legal entities, institutions and organizations if necessary, will be able to conduct office work in both Armenian and Russian. The issue of printing publications in two languages ​​will also be encouraged, the creation of textbooks, scientific and popular literature. The document notes that for many Karabakhtsev, the Russian is the second language of communication, and the long-term presence in the region of Russian peacekeepers and the need to jointly solve numerous social and communicative problems, cooperation in the areas of construction, health, education and science requires revaluation of the role of Russian.

Read more about Russia's participation in the settlement of the situation in Karabakh, read in the material "Eurasia.Expert".

The noticeable event of the past week was also the approval by the authorities of Uzbekistan of the Russian Vaccine "Satellite V". The republic's Ministry of Health reported that for massive use in the country, procurement measures are taken in the country.

It is also possible to note the negotiations between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan on the implementation of the "roadmap agreed in November 2020" to expand and deepen cooperation between Nur-Sultan and Tashkent. During the intergovernmental meeting, mechanisms were identified to enhance the interaction of specialized ministries, departments and entrepreneurs of the two countries to promote approved events and projects. The parties agreed to accelerate the implementation of the project to establish the International Center for Trade and Economic Cooperation "Central Asia".

External outline EAEP: West

Russia and Belarus launched the process of transferring the Belarusian cargo traffic to the ports of the Leningrad region.

Last week, the heads of transport ministries of Russia and Belarus Vitaly Savelyev and Alexey Avhramenko signed an agreement on the transshipment of Belarusian petroleum products in Russian ports. The document is designed for three years and provides automatic prolongation. During this time, Russian ports are ready to overload Belarusian petroleum products in the amount of 9.8 million tons.

"According to our agreement for the current year, we defined 3.5 million tons of them, given that the year has already started - about 2 million tons we are ready to transport together with Belarusian partners," Saveliev said. In turn, Avramenko stressed that the Russian side suggests "the absolute parity of prices with the ports of the Baltic states, which is definitely mutually beneficial for both countries."

The Belarusian side plans to conclude a contract with the operator of the Ust-Luga Oil port terminal, according to which the Russian company is ready to overcome 500 thousand tons of Belarusian Vacuum Gasoyl annually. The document was sent by Minsk to approval and entered the package signed on Friday. Petersburg Oil Terminal has not yet concluded a contract with Belarusians, but expressed his readiness for long-term cooperation.

In turn, the head of the Lithuanian Ministry of Transport Marius Skodis called the Russian-Belarusian Agreement, nor Lithuania, nor Belarus. He complained that Minsk's actions were "reinforced by non-economic, but political arguments." He acknowledged that this step would affect the Klaipeda port, and in Lithuanian railways, so the main task for Vilnius will soon be the diversification of cargo flow.

For details on the negotiations of Minsk and Moscow on the transfer of exports of petroleum products to Russian ports, see the author's video blog of Igor Yushkova "Energizier" on the channel "Eurasia.Expert".

The announced week also aroused the interest of the statement of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on the eve of the trip to negotiations with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin on February 22. According to the Belarusian leader, he does not go to Sochi in order to "ask something." At the same time, last week it became known that Minsk and Moscow are negotiating on the use of export credit to Belayes. Lukashenko also noted that during his visit he will meet with the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. "We will discuss the most burning issues that we are worried today. There are questions more likely to ensure defense, security of our state, "he said.

Read more about the agenda of the future meeting of the presidents in Sochi in the material "Eurasia.Expert".

It is also possible to note the statement of the Deputy Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkova on the new tonality of Moscow relations with Washington.

"If the United States policy remains the same if it will keep this pressure and pressure as a key element, it means that our part will be a policy of active consolidation of the United States in all directions," said Ryabkov.

The deputy minister explained that such a deterrence policy would include "countering sanctions, countering American attempts to influence our internal processes." According to him, Moscow in this case will bring the idea to the world community that "a multipolar world is not an abstraction that there is an alternative to the American dictate, the policy of consolidating common forces in the international community to confront American foreign policy and informational aggression."

Read more about the priorities of the US foreign policy and the rest of the administration to Russia, read in the "Eurasia.Expert" material.

Inside EAEU: Integration

EAEU countries expand cooperation in the industrial sphere.

At the meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council under the chairman of the ECE collegium last Wednesday, it was proposed to develop an international agreement on scientific and technical cooperation in the EAEU. The chairman of the board of ECE Mikhail Myasnikovich made an initiative to use science in order to create "cementing centers" of Eurasian integration and popularize the idea of ​​Eurasian cooperation through science.

"We are faced with the task of promoting the maximum self-sufficiency of the Union by combining the efforts of all states. We need to use mechanisms for the motivation of a business community to create joint companies, stimulate exports and rational decline in imports, "said Meysnikovich.

During the day later, a meeting of the ECE Consultative Committee was also held, during which the participants approved the idea of ​​expanding cooperation in the Aviation Industry of the EAEU. During the meeting, a recommendation was also approved for the deepening of cooperation of the EAEU countries in the production of cable-conductor products. The ECE believes that the development of this area will make it possible to concentrate the efforts of industrialists at the production of the most popular types of goods, reducing the share of foreign products in the domestic market.

In addition, issues of state subsidies in the field of industry and ensuring equal conditions for the movement of goods produced in the Union countries were discussed. It was also decided to form a new technological platform "Production, processing and use of essential oil and medicinal plants".

Meanwhile, the Eurasian Development Bank announced plans to allocate a loan to the new KamaZ project in Kazakhstan in the amount of 12 billion rubles. (about $ 162.7 million). The parties signed the preliminary conditions for financing the new model for the development of the model range and modernization of the capacity of KamAZ. It is planned to create a Costa Foundry plant in the industrial zone, as well as the production of the main gears of leading bridges. On the foundry plant will produce a block of cylinders and the head of the engine cylinder block, as well as the bridge crankcase. Finished products will be sent to the main production facilities of KAMAZ in Russia.

Read more about the industrial cooperation of Kazakhstan and EAEU countries, read in the material "Eurasia.Expert".

The EDB also said that he signed a contract for the opening of a long-term credit line in the amount of € 101.2 million with Minsk Energy Energy Enterprise. The funds are allocated to finance the supply of basic energy equipment under the contract with Siemens Energy AB in the framework of the project for the construction of a 300 MW peak-backup power engineer at the CHP-5. The bank noted that to finance the EDB project, the target loan from the consortium of leading German banks, Kfw Ipex Bank and Landesbank Hessen Thuringen Girozentrale. The loan is secured by the insurance of the Swedish Export and Credit Agency.

Prepared Alexander Prikhodko

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