In the family for 10 months 10 children were born (all their own!). Spouses do not intend to stop


Several years ago, a single single mother from Russia Christina Ghagakina rested in Batumi, where he met Georgian businessman Galipa Ozzyurk. Soon they got married and decided to start children, but not in a standard way, but with the help of surrogate motherhood. For 10 months, a 23-year-old girl became a mother of 10 kids, and the couple does not plan to stop on it.

In the family for 10 months 10 children were born (all their own!). Spouses do not intend to stop 15231_1
@ Batumi_mama.

Christina gave birth to her first daughter, at 17 years old, but the relationship with the father of the child did not work out. Two years later, on vacation, she met 52-year-old Galip. Despite the larger difference in age, they liked each other, the relationship began, writes

According to the girl, at first they wanted to have a child in the usual way: "Everything had to be like people: planning, pregnancy, childbirth. But Galip caught fire the idea of ​​having many children immediately, "Christina writes in his blog. He offered his young wife to use the services of surrogate mothers. After a long random girl agreed.

Over the past year, 5 boys and 5 girls appeared at the pair, there are twins among them. The first child named Mustafa was born in March 2020, and the last girl Olivia - in January 2021.

In the family for 10 months 10 children were born (all their own!). Spouses do not intend to stop 15231_2
@ Batumi_mama.

To create such a big family in a short time, the spouses paid considerable money: "On average, a surrogate mother in Georgia receives 8 thousand euros. In addition to this amount, the couple pays all the costs of medical care. The cost of the procedure of surrogate motherhood from the beginning to completion, including all necessary procedures, ultrasound, stimulation and payment of the surrogate mother is from 28 to 39 thousand dollars, "says Christina.

"Your mother gives birth, come to the child"

In order for Christina to take several eggs for fertilization at once, she was four times the stimulation of ovulation. According to Mom, the preparation for this procedure was not easy: "I had to pass a number of research and analyzes, to withstand many injections in the stomach. At the stage of preparations for Eco to the body, a large number of hormones are introduced into the body, which is why I had hormonal failures affecting the mood. Imagine: PMS syndrome, which does not go anywhere, and lasts constantly - then cry, then you want to argue the whole world with your love, and then destroy him to the ground, "the time of Christina recalls.

In the family for 10 months 10 children were born (all their own!). Spouses do not intend to stop 15231_3
@ Batumi_mama.

After that, preparation for motherhood for Christina ended. She could wait for a call from the hospital. As soon as it became known that the surrogate mother gives birth, Christina collected bags and drove into the hospital to pick up the next child.

The Russian woman says that at first she was not easy for her to cope with such a large number of children, at least at its disposal the whole state of Nanny and attendants: "Over time it was difficult: a lot of sleepless nights, colic, one sleeps, the other cries, then - on the contrary. I lacked hands, despite the fact that I have helpers. "

According to Christina, all children live in accordance with the strict regime, and the nanny leads special diaries in which they write down all the details related to children: what, how and how much a child eaten, as I slept, how much walked how many times went to the toilet. Thanks to this diary, mom is always aware of how her children develop.

In the family for 10 months 10 children were born (all their own!). Spouses do not intend to stop 15231_4
@ Batumi_mama.

When the blogger is asked how she has time to pay attention to all children, Christina responds: "Like all moms. With a lot of children it is more difficult to make it, but this does not mean that it is impossible. " In confirmation of his words, a large mother regularly posts on the blog photos with children and tells how she cares for them.

The subscribers asked Christine about the reaction of the eldest daughter at the appearance of such a number of kids in the house, to which the Russian woman replied: "Since Vika is now an older sister, she accepted this thought as an adult: helped me cook all sorts of sweetness for everybody's birthday, chose with me Clothes and various accessories for sisters and brothers. "

In the family for 10 months 10 children were born (all their own!). Spouses do not intend to stop 15231_5
@ Batumi_mama.

Is it true that the couple wants 105 children?

Many media wrote that Christina and her husband want 105 children in the future. Mom refutes it in his blog. When she began to engage in instagram, she had 5 children. The number 105 was perfectly rhymed and became clinging attention to the element in the header of the profile. "This does not mean that we are planning to have 105 children," the subscribers of Mom 11 children reassured.

But it is still not going to dwell on the couple being achieved. Christina does not exclude that in the future she herself gives birth to a child, although this option does not consider such an option. Also, the blogger answered those who worry about the financial well-being of the family. Christina said that they and her husband thought out this question, and they have a stock of money for many years ahead.

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