In Europe, unhappy with children's security policies in Tiktok

In Europe, unhappy with children's security policies in Tiktok 15209_1

European public organizations accuse Tiktok in the inability to ensure the protection of minor users from unacceptable content and hidden advertising.

According to available information, European public organizations from 15 different countries sent regulators to complaints to the Tiktok app, which is supposed to violate consumer rights in Europe. The main claims of public workers are:

  • Insufficient level of safety of children who within the application are weakly protected from unacceptable content and advertising;
  • the formation of unfair service conditions due to the presence in the application of the functions of virtual gifts, which changes the exchange rate, which is due to transactions, bringing additional income to the owners of the application;
  • The presence of misleading data methods.

As a result, the regulators were filed with a Tiktok complaint from the European organization of consumers. The EOG calls for the initiative of the "behavior of a social media platform, which does not show due diligence in the field of protection of minor users from unwanted content."

The EOE declares that companies that are interested in placing advertising inside Tiktok should understand that they contribute to the spread of hidden marketing.

"For example, users app Tiktok encourages to participate in events using branded hashtegov and encourages the creation of content related to certain advertising products," noted in the European organization of consumers.

EEO, referring to the Tiktok Wort Filters report, declares that Tiktok service conditions "are unclear, ambiguous, damage to users' users."

"Annex Tiktok, according to experts, does not inform its users in an affordable form, especially children and adolescents, for what purpose and for what legal reason their personal data is being taken. Such information is extremely important for consumers when using Tiktok services, "notes in the EEO.

According to the statement of the European organization of consumers, Tiktok's copyright conditions are also unfair, because they provide application owners of the application by irrevocable right of use, distribution, reproduction of video content published users without remuneration.

"We are always open and willing to listen, as we can improve the situation. Our specialists have already contacted EOG. We are ready for negotiations on all nominated charges and questions, "the representative of Tiktok answered accusations.

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