How to teach a child financial literacy and make education cheaper

How to teach a child financial literacy and make education cheaper 15197_1

Rast the children - expensive pleasure. The amount of children's content varies depending on the region and other factors, but on average it is 20 thousand rubles per month.

However, there is one simple way to potentially reduce and simplify the costs of raising a child:

Give children their own money and teach them to use.

If you finally decide that you give your child a set amount of money, it will help your child in the long run. You still can buy what they need, but for their money the child will buy what he wants. It can be collective toys when they are small, or a new iPhone when they grow up. Of course, they may ask for some things on a birthday or a holiday, but outside of the holidays, they themselves are responsible for their purchases.

Here's how you will affect your child when we accept such a decision:

Possession with its money teaches children to compile budget, plan, and postpone the remuneration received. This teaches them that there are compromises and consequences in their lives from the decisions made. Most importantly, it teaches children to appreciate the money. Gradually, they will learn that they can have something or different, but not both at the same time. They learn to weigh the pros and cons of possession and make more suspended and reasonable decisions regarding money (and other things).

Along with this, children who need to make money decisions begin to determine their own values. They must decide whether they really want to spend money on certain things.

You shoot most of the requirements

Partly stress associated with the upbringing of children by the middle class, stems from the permanent requirements from children. This is just part of the modern life of the middle class. In childhood or adolescence, there is something to spend money, and raising children can sometimes be felt as permanent negotiations with your children that they can and that cannot have. If your child has its money, the financial plan and good budget compilation skills, he will still ask you about things, but not so much.

That you need to do so that it worked:

Be honest

If you pay, for most things of your children, you can give them a small amount. However, if you take this position, you will need to give them quite more money. It may seem illogical to give her child more money to reduce its upbringing, but if you adhere to the rule (they pay at our discretion, from the money you give them), you can more effectively compile a budget.

How much money to give your child? There is no accurate amount, it will vary greatly depending on where you live, and other circumstances. Just know that you are trying to teach them to compile a budget, save and postpone money, so their remuneration should allow them to be a reasonable lifestyle, but with the possibility of choice. The lifestyle in which the child needs to make reasonable decisions about how to spend and save, becomes their second nature.

Teach the child with good financial skills

Your child will need a lot of instructions, especially at a young age. Teach him or save it for the future, making piggy banks for savings. Maybe your child needs a piggy bank to accumulate money to a new phone, on entertainment during summer vacation or money to buy gifts for friends. You can also teach your child to handle money, explaining some principles:

  • Compare prices for things they want to buy;
  • Search for ownership alternatives (for example, take something to hire);
  • Sale of things that they are no longer needed, for additional earnings;
  • Additional earnings paid work (as agreed);
  • Interest and complex interest (when they are quite adults to open a bank account).


Talk to the child about what expenses you will and you will not cover or help. As the child grows, payment of his phone balance or subscriptions to various services is paid from his own money, but at first you can take these costs.

Also, it will not be superfluous to discuss such things as saving to college. Teenagers will not hurt to postpone money on college, especially if they have a part-time job, but you need to clearly understand what you will pay, and for which he and what will spend a scholarship.

If your child wants a car if he will have to pay for her on his own, or can you help him in this? There are no set rules here. It is just important that any rules would be, you and your child knew how they work. It helps you and your child effectively distribute money and budgeted.

The sooner you start to teach your child to the correct handling of money, the easier it will be in the future, but you will definitely have to give him to grow up. Once the foundation is laid, you can really find that your child likes to manage your finances and distribute your own budget.

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