What is an adaptive bathing of newborns and when it is better to apply


All children's swimming standards are known: bath, bath, insert for a newborn or a hill, a thermometer for water, the whole family in helpers. Some relatives begin "goodwill" to prepare young parents to this process even during an extract from the maternity hospital.

- Well, you will be fighting baptism!

- Follow the water to your ears!

- The water temperature so that there was 36 degrees! Not lower and not higher!

- boil all the water in the bath three times!

- And we have already bought a gel, shampoo, soap and personal masseur!

What is an adaptive bathing of newborns and when it is better to apply 15183_1

Behind the squall of the Soviets, freshly baked dad and mom and think in unison - maybe it's not to bathe him, let him grow so much. This is, of course, humor. For many, the first time turned out to be stressful, it absolutely does not mean that it happens to everyone.

Standard recommendations for bathing newborns

Modern pediatricians (including Evgeny Komarovsky) recommend bathing a child after full healing of the umbilical wound, that is, about 10-14 days. Before that, it is enough to wipe the newborn with water or napkins.

Specialists separately emphasize the difference between the concepts of "bathing" and "washing". The baby does not need the second, it is not necessary to immediately use detergents such as gel and shampoo. If such a need is, it is important to choose delicate cosmetics, which will indicate that it is suitable for children from birth.

What is an adaptive bathing of newborns and when it is better to apply 15183_2

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Water for the bath is no need to boil (if the navel has completely healed). You can add a weak blax of a series of or chamomile. But without this really do. Just the bath can be pre-cleaned with a safe tool. Even the usual food soda is suitable.

Dr. Komarovsky separately recommends batting babies in a large bath, leaving enough space for movement. Thus, the procedure becomes an important element to start hardening.

The optimal temperature for the start of swimming is 33-34 degrees, gradually it can be reduced. The doctor writes that after such a bath, children eat better and sleep. This is confirmed by many moms that bathe babies "Komarovsky".

So that the bathing does not become stress

What is an adaptive bathing of newborns and when it is better to apply 15183_3

However, the swimming option in a large bath is not suitable for everyone. There is a category of children for which 15 minutes in cool water become a reason for a crowded cry. Some kids from such a bathing do not calm down, but, on the contrary, are unnecessarily excited.

In addition, to gain an almost full bath, put in it on a special render of the child and control its movements in the process is not very comfortable alone. And many moms bathe children without helpers.

In this case, an alternative method comes to the rescue, which was perfectly known to our mothers and grandmothers, but now has been developed, even appeared "instructors" who study him for money. We are talking about adaptation bathing.

The essence of the adaptation bathing of the newborn

What is an adaptive bathing of newborns and when it is better to apply 15183_4

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If the parents do not want to turn swimming in the useful challenge procedure, and just want to get the kid without his cry and excessive stress for themselves, they will need a bath for a newborn, a sufficient amount of warm water and pellecom.

The kid bathe wildly to feel the border of his own body and was not so afraid of what was happening. The room advises to muffle the light. Usually bathes mom, watering with water and carefully rubbing the body of the child, gradually opening the diaper. It is convenient to do without someone's help. Many will surely remember how the Soviet grandmothers were exactly so bathed the babies - in the basin and twilight, the prototop pre-room.

Adaptation bathing can be used in the first six weeks of the newborn. Maximum up to three months. Gradually, the child must be accustomed to a large bath. But for sensitive kids, this method will fit well at the initial stage.

How to pay a child with an adaptation way

What is an adaptive bathing of newborns and when it is better to apply 15183_5

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Bath must be installed on a chair or table. What, by the way, is convenient for moms, who are hard to lean after childbirth. In a separate saucepan or basin, prepare water with a temperature of about 36-38 degrees. Next to put the bucket, the mug - something that will be comfortable to water the crumb. The room should be warm, the light must be muffled.

At the bottom of the bath pouring the water about 5-7 cm, put the towel, so that the baby is comfortable. The child is pre-lay freely, not fueling the ends of the pelleka behind the back. Carefully put in water. Her heights should not be enough to get into the ears or face of the baby.

Next, the baby needs to be cautiously watered from the bucket, alternately opening and washing all limbs, caller, folds. Can be the same pellery. Having finished, the newborn gently take and shove into a soft towel. Preferably immediately, without leaving the bathroom, attach to the chest. Many kids after such a soft swimming option quickly fall asleep.

What is an adaptive bathing of newborns and when it is better to apply 15183_6

Adaptation bathing is a good alternative for some families during the "fourth trimester". It helps to make contact with the baby, help him get used to an unfamiliar world around.

But in no case should you forget about the correct care, which includes elements of hardening newborns. The rooms in the house must be controlled, control the humidity, leave the crumb to lie down naked - air baths are very helpful. And gradually teach him to swim in a large bath.

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