How to overcome uncertainty and unprotected: everything you need to know


The first part: the most likely causes of the emergence of uncertainty and insecurity.

How to overcome uncertainty and unprotected

Your thoughts sabotize your chances

You will be easier to control this feeling when you become noticing that your mind misleads you. Opinions and phrases of third-party people and your own thoughts are not a confirmation that you are weak and unworthy. You're just used to think so and everyone is looking for confirmation by your beliefs and fears. Or you diligently inspire such thoughts for their own benefit.

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Filter opinions

Look at people around. All of them live correctly? All of them say and make only worthy things? Do they only condemn you? Perhaps these are their self-defense, and not at all an objective opinion.

Plan of confrontation of uncertainty

Try to find the time in life when you start to appear this feeling. Announce confronting this feeling.

  • Express everything that I wanted. If there is an opportunity or desire, talk to a person directly about what impact he had. But you can simply write in detail on a piece of paper about sore. Write with all the feelings and words that you would like to say, but did not say. This sheet does not need to be sent, you can throw it out, but I wrote, you will throw out most of the pain that you have.
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Image of Mariana Anatoneag from Pixabay
  • Sheet or diary of achievements. Write everything you succeeded. Perhaps in the first minutes you will come to mind one or two events and you decide that it makes no sense to write them, you remember them about them. But starting to write, you remember much more. Over time, we forget about our own successes and begin to perceive them as due. Therefore, it is so important to write and see that you are not a weak person.
Your external differences

Do you see in your appearance shortcomings? Did someone suggest you or did you decide so? Think. Maybe you see no shortcomings, but features? After all, they make you unique. Beauty standards are changing every year, but people with unique external data always remain out of time. Do not hide your features, but, on the contrary, emphasize them. You already possess something big than most people.

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Image of Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Site Reminder on the phone screen

All individual. And you personality. There is no one like you in this world. Put the wallpaper on the phone screen that will remind you of your individuality. Do not compare yourself with someone, because you do not need to be someone else.

Read more this article. She will help you understand why you and other people come in one way or another.

Publication of the site-primary source Amelia.

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