Scientists: COVID-19 can cause diabetes of the second type


Scientists: COVID-19 can cause diabetes of the second type 15166_1
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Researchers of the Royal College of London and the University of Monasha created a database, which contains information about coronavirus and diabetes of the type. They talked about the ways that COVID-19 causes people a given disease.

Scientists have created such a base due to the fact that the experiments that experts conducted have demonstrated that people having diabetes of the type, with a great probability become suffering from severe symptoms of the disease and can even dig away from it. It also appears even more evidence that COVID-19 can really cause people with diabetes.

A new database was called the COVIDIB registry and it was specially created to help scientists understand the relationship between diabetes and coronavirus. The information was collected in patients regarding their circumstances of the disease. Developers believe that the amount of data will increase as information about the effect of coronavirus on patients with diabetes occurs. Some media report that the data provided by 350 clinicians in the database.

It is not yet known why people with diabetes suffer more for the disease COVID-19 or why some suffer stronger others. It is also incomprehensible whether the coronavirus can cause diabetes. Since the beginning of the doctor's epidemic, they talked about patients who had diabetes after coronavirus infection. Experts hope that with the help of a database it will be possible to develop whether to develop in such patients with diabetes, whether they were prediabetic and coronavirus provoked it, or in people who are not prone to diabetes, it can begin after COVID-19 infection.

Some researchers have already reported that there are 2 methods that coronavirus is able to cause people the development of diabetes II. The first is a blow to the pancreas, lowering its ability to generate and regulate insulin levels. The second method happens when the coronavirus provokes inflammatory responses in the body, affecting the control of sugar in the blood due to the ejection of cortisol - the hormone of stress. Experts note that some people develop diabetes after receiving steroids for COVID-19 therapy.

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