Scientists explained the reason for the appearance of skin redness in some people after drinking alcohol


Scientists explained the reason for the appearance of skin redness in some people after drinking alcohol 15162_1

Foreign scientists gave an explanation for the fact that some inhabitants of the planet use of alcoholic beverages there is a redness of the skin on the face and other parts of the body. According to experts, such a body reaction is caused by a reduced level of presence of one of the enzymes.

Scientists recalled that the splitting of alcohol in the liver occurs in two stages. In particular, the first stage is due to the conversion of alcoholic alcohol dehydrogenase into acetaldehyde, the accumulation of which, by the way, is the reason for the appearance of a hangover in humans. At the next stage, the effect of second from enzymes, aldehydehydrogenase causes acetaldehyde to turn to acetic acid. Specialists noted that the deficit of this component is very characteristic of the peoples living in East Asia - the Japanese, Koreans and the Chinese. In this case, part of people produce inheritance of two copies of a mutant gene encoding this enzyme. As a result, the liver of such individuals is not capable of synthesis of aldehydehydehydrogenase with the correct structure. Others, in turn, inherit only one mutant gene, which leads to the creation of a defective version of the enzyme in some cases. As a result, in the case of the presence of a complete or partial deficit of the aldehydehydhydrogenase in the body, a high level of acetaldehyde is maintained, resulting in the effects of the "instant hangover": nausea, sweating, headache, rapid heartbeat, dizziness and, including redness of the skin on the face or other parts of the body.

Doctors noted that the presence of a shortage of aldehydehydhydrogenase most often plays a positive role for the body, as people with such a feature, due to the presence of the above side effects, much less often suffer from addiction to alcohol drinks. In particular, according to statistics, representatives of East Asian peoples rarely have diseases associated with alcoholism. On the other hand, if a person with a reduced level of the specified component still has the usual to use a lot of alcohol, such a habit can lead to an increased risk of developing oncological diseases, including esophageal cancer.

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