30+ Hive quotes Anton Chekhov and one story about how sometimes it is useful to remember the statements of classics


Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is the greatest playwright, which is now known abroad at least in his homeland. Its works are translated into more than 100 languages, and the plays still put in theaters around the world. He was one of the first writers who stopped imposing his opinion to the reader and gave him the opportunity to make his own conclusions.

We are in ADME.ru carefully stored in the memory of the quotes of Anton Pavlovich from his works, letters and a notebook. And the story awaits you about how sometimes it is useful to know the statements of classics.

30+ Hive quotes Anton Chekhov and one story about how sometimes it is useful to remember the statements of classics 15158_1
© Osip Braz / Wikipedia

Portrait of Anton Chekhov Brushes Osip Bras.

  • If you want you to have little time, do nothing. From notebook
  • The point is not in pessimism and not in optimism, but in the fact that the ninety-nine from one hundred is no mind. House with mezzanine
  • Good man is ashamed even in front of the dog. From notebook
  • I wanted to eat unbearable, drink, sleep and talk about literature, i.e., do nothing and at the same time feel a decent person. From the letter A. S. Suvorin
  • If your act does not care anyone, then it does not mean that he is fad. Neighbors
  • Never ask yourself early: do I do or trivia? From the letter A. S. Suvorin
  • Everyone knows and everyone understands only fools and charlatans. From the letter I. L. Leontiev

30+ Hive quotes Anton Chekhov and one story about how sometimes it is useful to remember the statements of classics 15158_2
© Unknown Photographer / Wikipedia

A. P. Chekhov and his wife Olga Knipper-Chekhova.

  • There are moments for which you can give months and years. Drama on the hunt
  • What we experience when we are in love, perhaps there is a normal state. Love indicates a person how he should be. From notebook
  • Marry interesting only by love; To marry the girl only because she is pretty, it's like buying an unnecessary thing in the bazaar just because it is good. From the letter M. P. Chekhov
  • What is the great happiness to love and be loved and what horror feel that you start falling down with this high tower! My life
  • In love affairs, and especially in marriage, the suggestion plays a big role. Man in a case
  • The changed wife is a big cold cutlet, which I do not want to touch, because someone else has already kept her in his hands. From notebook

30+ Hive quotes Anton Chekhov and one story about how sometimes it is useful to remember the statements of classics 15158_3
© V. Chekhovskii / Wikipedia

  • If you want to become an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, and watch yourself and deliberate. From notebook
  • To get around that petty and ghostly, which prevents being free and happy, is the purpose and meaning of our life. The Cherry Orchard
  • The peace and satisfaction of man is not outside of him, but in it itself. Ward № 6
  • How nice lie still on the sofa and conscious that you are alone in the room! True happiness is impossible without loneliness. Ward № 6
  • Obviously, happy feels good just because the unfortunate carry his burden silently, and without this silence, happiness would be impossible. Gooseberry
  • If you often be thoughtful, you will understand how negligible is all the external, which worries us. Ward № 6
  • In order to feel happiness without a break, even in moments of grief and sadness, you need: a) be able to be content with the present and b) rejoice in consciousness that "it might be worse." Life is Beautiful!

30+ Hive quotes Anton Chekhov and one story about how sometimes it is useful to remember the statements of classics 15158_4
© Unknown Author / Wikipedia

  • If all people had conspited and began to sincerely sincerely, he would all go to the line of the rush. Misfortune
  • Hundreds of desert, monotonous, burnt steppe cannot catch up such a despondency as one person when he sits, speaks and is unknown when he leaves. House with mezzanine
  • "Cynic" - the word Greek, translated into your language meaning: a pig, who wants the whole world to know that she is a pig. Wet trap
  • There's good, where we are not: in the past, we are no longer there, and it seems fine. From notebook
  • An ordinary person is waiting for good or bad outside, that is, from a stroller and office, and a thinking - from himself. Ward № 6
  • Good upbringing is not that you are not shedding sauce on the tablecloth, but in the fact that you will not notice if someone else does another. House with mezzanine

30+ Hive quotes Anton Chekhov and one story about how sometimes it is useful to remember the statements of classics 15158_5
© Photo of Optic, Moscow / Artistic institution A.F. Marx, St. Petersburg - 1st Tom of PSS in 16 volumes. Marx Publishing House, St. Petersburg, 1902 / Scan by Vizu / Wikipedia

  • No one wants to love ordinary people in us. It is bad and the fact that we like such, which we often do not love and do not respect and do not respect. From the letter A. S. Suvorin
  • It is only necessary to start doing something to understand how little honest, decent people. The Cherry Orchard
  • Women without male society fade, and men without female are stupid. From notebook
  • Then the person will be better when you show him what it is. From notebook
  • Such is human fate: if you don't make mistakes in the main thing, then you will be mistaken in private. No one knows this truth. Duel
  • You look at another poetic creation: Kiese, Ether, Half Dummy, Million delight, and get into the soul - the ordinary crocodile! Bear
  • There is no quasi-modo, which would not be deeply convinced that a couple can only be a beautiful woman. About women

Bonus: When knowledge is really wealth

  • I quotate Chekhov "paid" the first journey. In our family, I am the only one who went to the university to learn, and Mom pinned great hopes on me. She said that if she finished the year with one fives, give money to travel to Europe. And here is the last exam on philosophy, I speak good, but it can be seen that I do not reach the top five. The teacher is trying to pull out, then one asks, then another. And then such: "Everything, the last question. Reply - I put five. " And asks: "Call an example of any paradox." And I just read the diaries of Chekhov at that time and immediately flashed: "If you want you to have little time, you do nothing." Received the top five. © "overheard" / IDEER

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