Waiting VS Reality

Waiting VS Reality 15145_1

It happens, among the gray days we are waiting for a special event - a meeting, dinner, a trip; Imagine how healthy will be. And what?

It happens, among the gray days we are waiting for a special event - a meeting, dinner, a trip; Imagine how healthy will be. And what? The arrow on the pantyhose went straight before going out, the taxi was late, the news is bad, like snow on the head, hurts - everything goes awry. Unbearably disappointing. What about children? Solid force majeure ...

I was encouraged by the matinee, hurried to shed tears of the mie, to bring off his hands with applause.

Tears were shed. Only not mine and not mild. At the very first minute, the son rushed into the arms, burst out, and we fled from the garden, dropping sneakers. There were no objective causes for adults - the child was happy to be preparing for a speech, no one scolded, did not hurt. Just the bubble of emotions overflowed and burst, nothing can be done.

But so I wanted to hear that ill-fated quadruses.

New Year's Eve muddle. Dad and son decorate the house for the holiday, what can be touching? I grabbed the phone to remove the cute video to both in the movies - with lights and chime bells. The microscopic spot from milk on a T-shirt in a frame did not fit - to move, think. "Not! I don't care! I want a typewriter, I do not want to save-help! ": The main acting face in a panic began to rush around the apartment.

Let so, nothing, then from another side - suddenly the child dropped on himself already assembled part of the tree. Dad, exclaiming something more or less censored, hurried to help. I also ran to pull the victim. He was cheerful and cheerful.

OK OK. The point is not in the video. New Year's mood - this is what is important!

In short, he also also navel with pliers climbed ....

First joint vacation at sea.

I did not hoped that I would lie in a lounger with a book, covering the face with a broad-rolled straw hat, or, Tomno swaying the hips, appear as Aphrodite from the marine foam.

But at least go along the embankment by the hand (maybe even in a white sundress) or eat ice cream in a cafe?

I have already said that now my favorite expression "dropping sneakers"? We rushed from one rattling-ringing children's automaton to another, and, having freezing the beach, just galloped. Or vice versa: The house was found to be a beetle, which simply needs to be carefully considered. The annoying parents trampled alongside and nervously looked at the sun, which rose more and above.

A couple of climbing climbing-watching-pulling out of a little amphibian man with blue lips from water, and you can collapse on daytime sleep.

And well, then Rotovirus did not pick up.

Torn performances, trips, classes in sections. Scandals, whims in front of rare family cultural campaigns. Quarrels and resentment on the planned days of birth.

Once I caught myself thinking that I was angry with a sick child, and it was too. Because the only one who was to blame for something - I myself! I wanted, I waited - only "I, I, I!". Giant, sanding locks of expectations drowned me from the inside. Imagination has drawn pictures that have never come true. There was only one way out - to ban yourself to overestimate the upcoming events. Plan - yes, sinking in guesses, assumptions, dreams - no. The devastating tsunami is the trouble, and the missing dear tickets are just a nuisance. One of many in everyday life.

Yes, he did not like the daughter of the best friend, yes the super coach, whom I wrote out a couple of hours on the Internet, the nasty yellow sweater. So what? He has the right not to match, fear, angry, cry, root, in the end. In the surrounding reality, everything can break, blown, get dirty, fight, break. Yes. We just need to take. There is nothing perfect in the world, at the same time he is full of happy accidents and extraordinary opportunities.

Yes, the matinee was waved, but how warmly passed the evening, as the son's carefully listened to the fairy tale, trustingly pressing her cheek to my hand.

Yes, the Christmas tree came out to Casoboko, and the soucharting film did not happen, but we were all together, the whole family.

Yes - there was no white sarafan, but there were joyful children's eyes, a bonus - wicker chairs on the balcony and a starry sky.

Many nerve cells were spent before I understood: when they do not win on how it should be, reality presents the most pleasant surprises.

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